The Florida Pearl® and Rose Pearl® brands by EMCO CAL

EMCO CAL (Ekland Marketing Company of California, exhibitor at Fruit Attraction 2023, will show the newest most exciting strawberry, raspberry, blackberry and blueberry varieties. I will include our premium white strawberry Florida Pearl® Brand and the rose color strawberry Rose Pearl@ Brand, both are so exciting for everybody!
Our varieties are selected for better fruit quality, higher yields, adaptation to different climates and growing areas ranging from Temperate, Mediterranean to Subtropical and Tropical climates. EMCO CAL is one of the most recognized companies in the field of strawberry varieties, with more than 30 years of experience in the selection, marketing, and licensing new varieties in more than 70 countries.
Our strawberry portfolio mainly includes high-quality short-day strawberry varieties, perennial strawberries, from zero chill to high chill, and a couple of premium day-neutral varieties and a June bearer variety.
EMCO CAL most exciting novelty are the Florida Pearl Brand and the Rose Pearl Brand, premium white and rose strawberry, with a delicious exotic tropical flavor, a light pineapple aroma. Released by Dr. Vance Whitaker from the University of Florida. A unique new produce item of great interest to growers, nurseries, marketers and retails.
Our blackberry portfolio includes premium primocane and floricane varieties. The range goes from thornless, some with thorns, erect growing to trailing – all have in common, great flavour and great fruit quality.
Our raspberry portfolio includes primocane and floricane varieties for fresh market and industry; Our blueberry portfolio includes a low to zero chill variety that tastes fantastic, friend to growers in all aspects.
Berries at grocery stores are a relevant factor. If the berry quality is good, consumers tend to perceive that the entire produce section is also high quality. Berry varieties are nutritious and healthy, provide few calories, virtually fat-free, and low glycemic index. They are an excellent source of dietary fiber and significant amounts of vitamins and antioxidants.
EMCO CAL invites growers, nurseries and marketers to our booth at Fruit Attraction to know more about our strawberry, raspberry, blueberry and blackberry varieties.
Stand 9F3A www.emcocal.com