TÉCNICAS SANJORGE S.L expert in the manufacture of greenhouses, hydroponics, irrigation systems and agricultural supplies.

Técnicas Sanjorge S.L. is an international company that has been operating in the agro-industrial sector for more than 25 years, expert in the manufacture of greenhouses, hydroponics, irrigation systems and agricultural supplies. Always at the farmer's side to offer solutions in the evolutionary process of their needs to improve their crops.
They manufacture all types of macro tunnel greenhouses: simple, reinforced, bull leg, Top Berries, Top Snow, Top Windows. They design and manufacture all the parts that are then used in their projects. They are pioneers in the manufacture and use of the oval tube. This system allows them to increase the width of the tunnel to 10 metres and thus, being a fixed structure, they save assembly and disassembly costs as well as extending the cultivation surface to 8 rows, offering multiple benefits to the farmer.
Greenhouse services
Tailor-made design. We design projects tailored to the needs of your customers.
Strip cutting. We create galvanised strip with the specific dimensions of each project.
Manufacture of tubes. We manufacture your parts with the welded strip to transform it into round tubes cut to the specific size.
Manufacture of parts. They personalise, adapt and design greenhouse elements to optimise the project according to the needs of the crop.
Equipment. The appropriate characteristics of their plastics and meshes ensure the success and optimisation of the greenhouse.
Final project. With the help of technicians and fitters, they finalise the projects, guaranteeing the satisfaction of their clients.
Differential value
Innovadores soportes para los cultivos En Sanjorge crean productos para los cultivos adaptándonos a las necesidades de sus clientes. Entre ellos disponen de una gama completa y extensa de materiales de suspensión y soporte, asegurando por un lado, una mayor producción al no dañar el cultivo, y por otro lado, aumentando la producción mejorando y facilitando la recolección de la fruta.
Fabrican los canales hidropónicos. Para ello, cuentan con máquinas propias especializadas lo que permite trabajar directamente sobre el campo, adaptando de esta forma el trabajo a cada situación específica.
Su inquietud por la formación y adaptación a nuevas necesidades o mercados, incorporación de las últimas técnicas, junto con la colaboración con empresas referentes del sector, les ha llevado a desarrollar diversos productos y sistemas propios, bajo los principios de sostenibilidad y eficiencia, haciendo que se diferencien y generen confianza en sus clientes.
Disponen de los medios técnicos y humanos pa
Innovative crop supports At Sanjorge we create products for crops, adapting to the needs of our customers. Among them, they have a complete and extensive range of suspension and support materials, ensuring, on the one hand, a higher production by not damaging the crop, and on the other hand, increasing production by improving and facilitating the harvesting of the fruit.
They manufacture the hydroponic channels. To do this, they have their own specialised machines which allow them to work directly in the field, thus adapting the work to each specific situation.
Their concern for training and adaptation to new needs or markets, incorporation of the latest techniques, together with collaboration with leading companies in the sector, has led them to develop various products and their own systems, under the principles of sustainability and efficiency, making them stand out and generating confidence in their customers.
They have the technical and human resources to meet a growing foreign demand, offering at a low cost the result of decades of evolution and improvement.
ra atender a una creciente demanda exterior ofreciéndole a un bajo coste el resultado de décadas de evolución y mejora.
Stand 10E22