PRODUCTOS DEL CAMPO ANRO, specialising in chestnuts and garlic.

Productos del Campo ANRO S.L., is a company in the fruit and vegetable sector, dedicated especially to two products, CHASTE NUTS AND GARLICS. Productos del Campo ANRO S.L. is a family-run company, hence its name, which takes as its icon the initials of the first and last name of its father, Ángel Rodríguez.
It is mainly dedicated to wholesale and is present in more than 15 countries in 4 of the 5 continents. The growth it has experienced over the years has resulted in highly refined internal processes and exhaustive quality controls, which have led to a good quality-price ratio for the products offered by the company, to which it contributes to a large extent, the complete and modern facilities and their location in the areas of origin of our main products (garlic and chestnuts), in Las Pedroñeras (Cuenca) where they make their garlic and Castro de Sanabria (Zamora) where they handle their chestnuts, an area bordering two of the most important chestnut production areas of the Iberian Peninsula, the north of Portugal and the community of Galicia.
At ANRO they have a wide variety of chestnuts, and depending on the harvesting season they change, as well as the geographical areas where they are harvested, which allows them to have a quality product from the beginning of autumn until the middle of the winter season. They also produce and sell different varieties of garlic, SPRING VIOLET, WHITE GARCUA and PURPLE GARLIC, the latter being the best variety on the market, which is backed by the PGI PURPLE GARLIC OF PEDROÑERAS.
Stand 9E01