MURCIANA DE VEGETALES presents a wide variety of lettuces.

Cresta® is its exclusive variety of red lettuce, developed after more than nine years of research by its R&D department. It is a lettuce that can be cooked.
Murciana de Vegetales is a family company that has specialised in growing, packaging and marketing lettuce varieties for the main European supermarkets and distributors for more than 30 years. Its quality policy is based on environmentally sustainable production systems.
Its specialities are distinguished by their flavour, texture, shelf life and sanitary guarantees, these being mainly: Little Gem, Baby red, Romana, Romana red, Mini Romana, Mini Romana red, Cresta, Frillice and Caribú red. Its organic line is also outstanding with varieties such as Little Gem, Romana, Mini Romana and its wide range of red leaf lettuces. We are the only company that produces and markets different varieties of red lettuces: Baby red, Mini Romana red, Romana red and our Cresta®. Cresta® is its exclusive variety of red lettuce, developed after more than nine years of research by its R&D department. It is a lettuce that can be cooked.
Murciana is always working to incorporate innovative products that break the monotony of traditional lettuces such as romaine, iceberg and little gem. The result of this has been the recent market launch of Caribú red and Romana red.
Caribú® red is a native variety recovered by Murciana de Vegetales thanks to the hard work of the R&D Institute. Its crunchy texture, lanceolate leaves and sweet flavour make the red Caribú a totally different and innovative product.
Romana red is a red leaf variety launched on the market two years ago, a different reference to the others, with a different appearance and flavour, which makes it very attractive.
They are a company that gives maximum importance to quality and health guarantees, and are currently certified in GLOBAL GAP (GRASP), IFS and BRC. It also has its own laboratory certified by ENAC, Spanish National Accreditation Body, which, among other things, analyses all its batches before they are harvested. Proof of this is the high quality of its products and the satisfaction of its customers.
Murciana de Vegetales ROUND TO FRUIT ATTRACTION 2023!
comercial5@ghmurcianadevegetales.com 667975472