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01 October 2024

Fruit Attraction celebrates the biggest edition in its history and converts Madrid into the industry’s world epicentre

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From 8 to 10 October, Fruit Attraction will be hosting its 16th edition with a great line-up of activities, consolidating itself as the benchmark event for the sector on a global level. The fair, organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX and with Andalusia as its Guest Region, has recorded the highest participation levels in its history with 2,146 exhibiting companies from 56 countries, representing an increase of 7% over last year, 70,000 square metres of floor space and the expected attendance of more than 100,000 trade visitors from 145 countries.

In total, for the first time, 10 halls -1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10-of the Madrid Trade Fair Centre will be hosting the wide range of fruit and vegetables on offer at this edition, which means an increase in occupancy of more than 9% compared to 2023. In this way, Fruit Attraction 2024 will turn the city of Madrid into the world epicentre for the marketing of fresh produce.

These highly positive figures demonstrate the fruit and vegetable sector's growing interest in participating in the sector's largest business centre, as well as its support for promoting Fruit Attraction as a fundamental lever for internationalisation and a meeting point for all professionals along the entire supply chain.

On this occasion, the Fresh Produce Area accounts for almost 70% of the fair , with a 6% increase in exhibition area compared to the previous year, as well as the Ancillary Industry Area, which represents 24% and shows a 4% increase. The Fresh Food Logistics Area has also recorded an increase of more than 26%. A new addition this year is that Hall 1 will be dedicated to Innova&Tech, the new area that brings together the Biotech Attraction and Smart Agro sectors, aimed at innovation, research and technological development companies.

National participation accounts for 55% of the trade fair. The immense influence of Spain as a world leader in the fruit and vegetable market will be reflected by the presence of almost all the autonomous communities producing fruit and vegetables in the country, cementing Fruit Attraction as an effective tool for generating business opportunities and for accessing new international markets, precisely in a key month for planning campaigns.

The international segment also recorded a significant growth. On this occasion, it accounts for  45% of the total occupancy of the fair and represents an increase of 22.5% of the exhibition area. Likewise, the number of exhibitors has grown by 18%, with the incorporation of 102 new companies.

Andalusia, Guest Region at Fruit Attraction 2024

Andalusia will be participating as a Guest Region at the 16th edition of Fruit Attraction. The Regional Government of Andalusia, through the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, aims to promote the regional agri-food sector, standing out as one of the main sponsors for the third consecutive year .

Through its participation, the Regional Ministry will promote Andalusian fruit and vegetable products, their production methods and their identification on the market. It also aims to increase consumer awareness of the region's products and to increase the recognition of those with certified quality labels.

Andalusia will also be promoting its certified quality brand Gusto del Sur on its stand at the trade fair. Since its launch, more than 100 companies and associations have signed up, meaning that up to 300 products from different sectors and subsectors now carry this European-recognised quality label.

One of the main objectives of Fruit Attraction is to offer a platform for international expansion and promotion.  In this sense, IFEMA MADRID, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and ICEX, is once again activating the International Buyers Programme, which will attract over 700 buyers from 70 countries, retail purchasing managers, importers and wholesalers to Madrid, bringing a special dynamism to the trade fair business operations. 

In addition to this, there are the 'Guest Importing Countries' with the spotlight on China and Saudi Arabia at this edition. Fruit Attraction therefore will open up and promote trade relations with these markets, backed up by a full programme of round tables, guided tours of the fair and B2B sessions.

On the other hand, the avocado will be this year’s star product, with several initiatives being focused on this superfood whose success has grown notably in Spain in recent years, both in terms of cultivation and exports. In addition to various activities, workshops and demonstrations on this product, the Global Avocado Congress will be held the day before the trade fair opens.

Also on Monday 7 October, the Walnut and Pecan Congress will take place within the framework of the fair. In addition to these events, Fruit Attraction 2024 offers a complete programme of activities.

On the one hand, the Forums will be hosting dozens of presentations distributed over different spaces. Among others, it will be holding the Biofruit Congress -organised by Ecovalia-, Biotech Attraction, the 5th Fresh Food Logistic The Summit -organised by Alimarket-and other interesting sessions in addition to 37 presentations given by exhibitors at the Fruit Next Forums.

On the other hand, The Innovation Hub -at the nexus of halls 1 and 3-, with around 40 products, will be the area dedicated to innovation and business innovations in the sector. In this area, the fair will once again host the Innovation Hub Awards, which have become a fundamental event for supporting the entrepreneurial commitment of the sector with its usual categories: Fresh Produce; F&V Industry, and Sustainability and Commitment Actions.

As usual, Factoria Chef will once again represent the culinary area within Fruit Attraction with attractive demonstrations and showcooking events. This is a one-of-a-kind setting for promoting fruit and vegetable producers on the international channel in order to highlight the quality and excellence of these foods and their endless possibilities for consumption.

For the first time, Fruit Attraction will be awarding the Best Stand Award. Likewise, the 14th APAE Journalism Awards and the Fruit Attraction Awards will be presented, the latter dedicated to renowned international media specialising in the fruit and vegetable sector.

Fruit Attraction 2024 will once again have the backing of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food at its opening ceremony, which will once more be presided over by Minister Luis Planas.

The fair, organised by IFEMA MADRID and FEPEX, will be held at the trade fair centre from Tuesday, 8 to Thursday, 10 October, from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. and until 5 p.m. on the last day. It has the collaboration of Veganic Nature as sponsor of the Wi-Fi network, as well as Cajamar of the Business Centre, and Agrobank for the lanyards worn by the trade visitors.