LABORATORIOS TECNOLÓGICOS DE LEVANTE, specialised in agri-food and environmental safety testing.

Pioneer in the genomics market in the food, environmental and water fields.
LTL is an independent laboratory with 100% Spanish capital, leader in the national market both in innovation and in the development and adoption of the latest technologies. Specialised in agri-food and environmental safety testing, it was the first laboratory in Spain to accredit a biological indicator that has opened up a new avenue of research. Its commitment to research into new analytical solutions that are more competitive, respectful and in line with sustainability objectives, and especially to innovation in biosafety, make it a pioneer in the food and environmental genomics market.
With a nationwide presence and more than half a million tests performed annually for public and private entities, Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante has more than 30 years of experience and works to contribute to a more sustainable and safer food system, one of the objectives of the European Green Pact, an area in which it is developing the Food Fraud project.
This food safety laboratory, with more than 4,000 m2, works hand in hand with companies in the sector to provide them with all the information they need about their products, helping them to offer guarantees to consumers about the composition and safety of their products, which is a priority for the food sector.
The incorporation of the genomics laboratory in the food and environmental field has marked its differentiation in the market, making Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante a reference in the sector with a very important participation in the development of R+D+i projects in collaboration with prestigious research centres, universities and specialised European companies.
*Genomic techniques are based on the investigation of the DNA present in the samples analysed by different methodologies (PCR, massive sequencing), to extract the information of the different organisms present in water and food. This information can be used for a wide variety of purposes, from detecting the presence of introduced species in the natural environment to the study of fraud in the agri-food sector.
Investment in R&D&I has enabled Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levente to position itself as a benchmark within the sector, by providing imaginative solutions to the needs of different public and private clients. This has allowed them to develop and fine-tune innovative methodologies, which help to increase the range of analytical services available to companies and make them more competitive in the market.
Such as their food fraud detection service in which they are able to identify the complete composition, quality and origin of a food product through a faster, more extensive and more economical genomic methodology.
Stand 5C18A