FRUTÍNTER produces, packages and distributes citrus fruits, melons and watermelons.

Once again, Frutínter will be present at Fruit Attraction 2023. You can find us in Hall 3, specifically at stand 3E15. Come and visit us!
At Frutínter we care for the health of people and the planet. We are a company with a long tradition in the fruit and vegetable sector. We produce, pack and distribute citrus fruits, melons and watermelons. We seek to satisfy our customers' needs, offering a product with the best quality-price ratio and with an optimum service.
After more than 60 years of history, we have managed to be the first company in the world to market clementines and oranges with the Nitrate Footprint certificate that guarantees the non-contamination of the subsoil by this element, and we are pioneers in using High Brix Sensor technology in citrus fruits to determine, in a non-destructive way, the internal brix degrees of each fruit.
Our company has three packing plants, two in the province of Castellón (Vila-real and Onda) and another in Seville (Alcolea del Río). The three warehouses make our work easier, increasing our production capacity and saving on logistical costs. With all this, in this 2022/2023 season we have had a production of 900 tonnes per day in the middle of the season.
For decades, the company has been present in the best national and international markets. Our sales are centred in Spain, with 75% of our sales being in Spain and 25% exported. Our products are mainly distributed throughout Europe and on more and more continents. We also have sales outlets located in the two most important wholesale distribution markets in our country: Mercabarna and Mercamadrid.
Frutínter controls the entire production process. We take care of the auxiliary fauna and flora, and we protect the fruit from pests and diseases using ecological criteria. Likewise, through our 4.0 agriculture we are able to know the needs of the plant and maximise all the resources available in terms of saving water and fertilisers.
As for our packaging, a large part of our packaging is compostable, recyclable and returnable. Finally, with regard to distribution, we have a fleet of gas-fuelled lorries that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, we control the cold chain and loading time.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/frutinter/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/frutinter
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/frutintersl/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/frutinter
Contact: marketing@frutinter.com