EL HUERTICO, same great quality like never before.

Huerta de Peralta began its activity in 1987, dedicated to the production of vegetables under protected cultivation.
During these more than 30 years of existence, the company has undergone profound changes imposed by the situation of the agricultural sector and the evolution of customs and habits of a consumer in growing search for "what is new" and "what is convenient". Over the last three decades, we have also witnessed a progressive concentration of distributors (large supermarket chains and hypermarkets), which impose demanding conditions of quality, high production potential and constant service.
In 2003, the company entered the production of ready-to-eat vegetables and salads under the El Huertico brand.
The so-called pre-prepared convenience food range has experienced significant growth in recent years and, thanks to this increased consumption and a work that is appreciated and recognised, we have managed to carve out a niche for ourselves in a market dominated by large multinationals.
In 2018, a new 5,500 m2 factory was inaugurated with the most advanced technology in the production of pre-prepared convenience vegetables.
We can guarantee a year-round supply of the crops that make up our range of products. Moreover, we are directly involved in every step of the cultivation process, from the seed to the salad that reaches your table, which means that we can guarantee the traceability of the raw material under unbeatable conditions.
The company has been able to adapt to the new situation of the sector, but always respecting the good work in our processes and the quality of our final product.
El Huertico will be present as an exhibitor at the next edition of Fruit Attraction 2023 in the Navarra Zone, Pavilion 7, Stands 7B08-C08.
Huerta de Peralta S.A.T. 413
Carretera Arlas Marcilla Km 3,5
31350 Peralta (Navarra)