CLCIRCULAR, real-time monitoring at an affordable price

In 2021, around 117.3 million tonnes of fresh fruit were exported. Unfortunately, an estimated 33% of perishable produce is lost during distribution. With such voluminous exports and long hauls, real-time visibility is crucial to reduce waste and ensure maximum product quality.
At CL Circular, we understand the daily challenges companies face during distribution. We strongly believe in real-time visibility as an effective solution, but recognise its high cost. That's why we are introducing a circular economy model with monitoring devices for rent, to make this technology more accessible and reduce costs.
Conventional data loggers only allow claims or quality assurance upon arrival at destination, but they do not solve the real challenge: preventing losses and making decisions based on useful and reliable information. That's where we come in.
We make decision making easier with data from our data loggers. For example, you can decide suppliers and routes based on facts. We streamline quality control by providing necessary data before it reaches the warehouse. We make it possible to share data with other actors in the supply chain from a single platform. We encourage communication through our platform. We adapt to your needs, integrating with your systems and obtaining the desired information. Our platform is a complete database to record information about containers, shipping times, routes, suppliers, customers and more.
How do we do it? We place our devices in the cargo to provide you with information on temperature, humidity, shock, light and GPS location. We update this data on our platform in semi-real time to give you full visibility and control over the goods. We provide real-time alarms, carbon footprint reports and supplier/container comparisons.
This year, we have opened subsidiaries in the United States and the Netherlands, adding to our existing ones in Peru, Mexico, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Ecuador, South Africa and Spain, to provide global coverage to our customers.
Stand 4A12A
You can find out more about us on our website https://www.clcircular.com/.