BIONEST, leading producer of organic soft fruits on the European market

On the 15th anniversary of Fruit Attraction, Bionest will keep its annual appointment and will be present at the Fair that will take place from the 3rd to the 5th of October in Ifema, Madrid; a worldwide commercial meeting point for the professional fruit and vegetable community, the ideal scenario to plan the calendar for the 2023-24 season.
Bionest, the leading producer of organic red fruits in the European market, has taken a series of measures to guarantee these products practically all year round: ● Strawberry: Planting early varieties will help us to be present in both supermarket chains and small specialised shops from November to May. ● Raspberry and Blackberry: With autumn and winter production, our customers will be able to enjoy these two berries from September to June. Blueberry: All year round, adding to our campaign the production from Portugal and imports from Argentina and Chile.
Various strategies have been used to continue innovating in all the areas surrounding this organic production. From the R+D+i department, after several years of study and trials, the Bionest team has managed to take two very important steps towards environmental conservation. One of them is related to the creation of new varieties of berries that need less water for their production, with the aim of protecting and significantly reducing the use of this valuable resource, water. Another major step forward is to continue developing more efficient and sustainable production, the creation of new varieties with a longer shelf life, which allows us to greatly reduce the losses produced in these delicate products such as berries. It is worth highlighting the progress made in product packaging and preservation techniques, reinventing itself year after year to reduce the environmental impact. To this end, we have been introducing cardboard packaging for 12 years. Specifically, going back to the most recent past, in 2021, 45% of the exported volume is being produced in bulk or in biodegradable packaging, of which 25% of this biodegradable packaging has been thermosealed to reduce the use of lids. Of the remaining amount, 700,000 units have been used in Prevented Ocean Plastic, an initiative that promotes the use of recycled plastic from plastic bottles from coastal areas of South East Asia. If you are unable to take the opportunity to visit us in Hall 9, stand 9F12, please contact our sales department on +34 959 450 656 or by email comercial@bionest.es.