ANGEL MIR will present the latest in industrial doors and logistic equipment for the fruit and vegetable sector.

Once again, Fruit Attraction in the Fresh Food Logistics area will count on the participation of the manufacturer of industrial doors and logistics equipment Angel Mir - Portes Bisbal S.L. to present the latest innovations to fresh produce operators in the fruit and vegetable sector.
It will be on stand 4B07 in Hall 4 where the Ripening Secc door, specifically for fruit conservation and ripening chambers, will be on show, with an air permeability classification of Class 6, double that required by regulations, and a water penetration resistance classification of Class 3, three times the minimum required.
Also, the Market Ball self-repairing high-speed door with a more aesthetic design that allows the fabric to be customised with screen printing and incorporates LED lights, designed for interior warehouse areas or accesses, and the Instant Pass Iso VL high-speed door for cold and freezing rooms with negative temperatures, characterised by a vertical opening of the rigid fabric with a thicker thickness to improve insulation.
As usual in this fair and given its success, a team of experts will demonstrate the operation of the Isoperfect System for refrigerated loading docks, the system that guarantees complete heat sealing in the logistics dock, minimising energy losses and ensuring maximum hygiene throughout the loading-unloading process.
Other important novelties will be intelligent inflatable shelters with the Signal Shelter signalling, guidance and lighting system perfect for fresh food distribution companies, which facilitates truck positioning manoeuvres on loading docks at night or in adverse weather conditions, as well as different equipment to increase safety, for example a wide range of safety chocks including locking chocks and truck restraints or dock spotlights with fan to illuminate the inside of truck boxes.