ALTIUS presents at Fruit Attraction its main lines of business, which are air, sea, land transport, projects and customs.

"Your reliable supply chain partner".
Altius is a 100% Spanish company that offers flexibility, creativity and credibility in the diverse range of services it provides to its supply chain, as well as the peace of mind of belonging to the centenary Davila Group, founded in 1917.
With a philosophy of global vision and local action, they are a benchmark in the Spanish market for logistics, specialised international transport and customs, always seeking excellence in their work and providing real solutions that reduce costs for their clients. Its main lines of business are air, sea, land transport, projects and customs, being agents since 1914, in constant renovation and adaptation to the changing European regulations.
Whatever the Customs Regime chosen and for any type of goods, Altius is an AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) and is at the forefront of the sector, with highly qualified personnel in its offices in the main Spanish ports and airports. This service and support to the economic operator, extends to any type of Customs and customs service throughout the period of review provided for in the legislation in force. They have preferential agreements with the main shipping lines and airlines to ensure maximum competitiveness in freight and space.
Within the Davila Group, to which they belong, they manage the refrigerated warehouse in the ports of Marín and Vigo, with a team specialised in the management of fruit, vegetables and fish.
They also have a department with a refrigerated/frozen land transport service, thus completing the supply chain from loading at origin to delivery to the end consumer, providing effective solutions to their clients to reduce costs.
They have more than 300 professionals in Spain distributed in 9 delegations (Madrid, Vigo, Gijón, Barcelona, Bilbao, Seville, Algeciras, Valencia and Zaragoza), they also have offices in Buenos Aires (Argentina), Lima (Peru), Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia), Santiago de Chile (Chile), and Miami (United States) with a network of agents worldwide, which makes them a real alternative and of great strength for their clients.
They acquire a real commitment to their clients and partners based on a continuous search for cost optimisation, derived from an absolute flexibility in their structures to meet their needs, even the most complex ones.
C/ Hermosilla 30, 2º
28001 Madrid - España