ALDEFE , Spanish Association of Refrigeration, Logistics and Distribution Companies

ALDEFE is made up of individual companies dedicated to the freezing, preservation, transport and distribution of perishable products at controlled temperatures and is based in Madrid; it was founded in 1977 under Law 19/1977 of 1 April 1977 to represent and defend the professional interests of companies engaged in the activities of cold storage, logistics and distribution for third parties.
It currently brings together 52 companies in the sector and more than 100 refrigeration installations, with a total refrigeration capacity of around 7,000,000 m3, which in total represents an estimated 80% of the sector, 70% of which is negative temperature and the remaining 30% positive temperature. In the social sphere, it negotiates the Collective Agreement for Industrial Refrigeration at national level. In addition, it develops and offers different training programmes through the Industrial Refrigeration Joint Commission of the Tripartite Foundation, and different actions for the Prevention of Occupational Risks through the Foundation for the Prevention of Occupational Risks.
At national level, it belongs to the Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations (CEOE) and the Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises CEPYME and at international level it belongs to the European Cold Storage and Logistics Association (ECSLA), with headquarters in Brussels, and with a voice before the European Commission, where it holds one of the Vice-Presidencies within the Board of Directors, as well as the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIF) with headquarters in Paris.
It is the only national representative of the Public Cold Storage sector and is committed to projects of special interest to member companies. Issues such as energy costs, energy efficiency, process improvement, the reduction of administrative and legal burdens, as well as the promotion of good practices are fundamental objectives of ALDEFE.
ALDEFE participates in Fruit Attraction at stand 4B15B