Vojvodina region of Serbia presents a newly established association of fruit producers PANNONIAN FRUITS

Vojvodina region of Serbia presents a newly established association of fruit producers PANNONIAN FRUITS where Serbia’s top players are joining forces as a regional brand.
Delta Agrar, Ciric Company, Agrounija, Frueko, Al Rawafed, and other big fruit producers from Vojvodina region, are present at Serbia, and Vojvodina boots at Fruit Attraction. Vojvodina is a part of Pannonian plain known for it’s top quality fruits, especially apples, but also pears, blackberries, cherries, apricots, and peaches.
Vojvodina’s dream team is gathered around the mission of sustainable, high quality production, and fair play. Years of joint experience on the world market, made PANNONIAN FRUIT capable of satisfying the most demanding markets bringing safe and tasty fruit to the tables worldwide.
Joint logistics, food quality audits and experiences in cooperating with the most differentiated buyers from around the globe, makes PANNONIAN FRUITS one of the most reliable partners. All of the companies operating under the brand have significant experience in the EU market, but also in Russian Federation, Middle Eastern markets, and far east.
Vojvodina makes some 20% of Serbia’s fruit and it is known for being the most advance area in terms of technology and yields. All the companies gathered around the project are determined to have quality and safety as top priorities of PANNONIAN FRUITS association.
PANNONIAN FRUITS comes from the most fertile soil in Serbia, where people are dedicated to save the land that gives them food for centuries. Vojvodina is a bowl of the sweetest fruits placed on your table for the moments of pure joy.
Stand 8B17