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19 September 2023

BLUE WHALE at Fruit Attraction stand 6C11

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Choosing Blue Whale fruit means supporting our group of 300 fruit growers, united by the same quality standards and the same vision of sustainable orchards. We are proud of our fruit: apples, pears, kiwis, plums and grapes.

We are experts in fresh fruit, healthy and tasty fruit for people that comes from the best of nature, thanks to our culture of innovation!

Pioneers in agroecology, precision farming and committed to research programmes, we want to drive agricultural change.

We are resolutely focused on the future, for high-yielding production today and tomorrow, and we would be proud to succeed together, with our customers...

We are proud to offer exceptional fruits such as Candine, Envy, PinkLady, Fuji and Gala apples...

Top quality fruits cultivated with care by nature, then stored and packed by our renowned greengrocers.

Fruits offered by a dedicated sales team, expert in the specificities of the different local markets.