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04 June 2024

GRUPO OLANO, key to cold supply

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With a strong family identity for almost 50 years, the OLANO Group is today a key player in the cold supply chain as a provider of transport and logistics services. It has more than 60 sites in Europe, a team of 3,500 people, its own fleet of 1,600 vehicles, 1,000,000 m3 of refrigerated warehouses at -20°C and 300,000 m3 at +2°C to +14°C.

More than 60 centres in Europe

It has more than 60 sites in Europe, a turnover of 600 million euros, a team of 3,500 people, its own fleet of 1,600 vehicles, 1,000,000 m3 of refrigerated warehouses at -20°C and 300,000 m3 at +2°C to +14°C.

The Group was founded in the port of Saint-Jean-de-Luz in the seafood sector, and has since diversified into frozen and fresh products, combining growth and independence over the years.

Today, OLANO is active in the fruit and vegetable sector on an international scale. Our green trucks are on the road to offer our customers total satisfaction in terms of delivery times and conditions.

The OLANO Group offers a highly structured and modern image, that of a constant company that looks to the future with serenity.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our sales team: or visit our website:

The Olano Group will be exhibiting at Fruit Attraction at stand 4A12A.