PROEXPORT companies will reinforce their commitment to produce fruit and vegetables with the best agricultural practices

In total, 37 of its member companies are exhibiting at the fair - most of them in Hall 7 - showing their firm commitment to constant improvement, investment in R&D&I and top service to supermarkets and processors.
The Association of Fruit and Vegetable Producers-Exporters of the Region of Murcia (Proexport) arrives at Fruit Attraction 2024 with the aim of conveying to its national and international customers the important commitment they have been making for years to maintain high quality standards and their commitment to offer excellent fruit and vegetables, grown under the best agricultural practices.
So, from 8th to 10th October, the leading international fair, organised by FEPEX and IFEMA, will once again be the ideal meeting point between Proexport associates and supermarket chains, who are looking to meet up with their usual fruit and vegetable suppliers to guarantee the best service for their consumers.
Mariano Zapata, President of Proexport comments, ‘We are coming from a summer season that has been exceptional. Both consumers and our clients have found top quality products produced in the Region of Murcia on the shelves and we are doing everything we can to ensure that the same thing happens in the coming months’.
The commitment of farmers and agricultural companies to the constant improvement of their products is not trivial. Investments in R+D+i, close collaboration with seed companies and the implementation of the latest technologies in their production and facilities, among other things, have borne fruit.
‘All of this, together with the fact that climatic conditions have been favourable for the sector, has meant that this summer, for example, watermelons and melons from the Region of Murcia have had an exquisite sweetness. But we have also found products with better resistance to pests, water stress or, as has happened with peppers, which this year have a particularly intense colour’, says Zapata.
The president of Proexport invites all those attending the fair to visit the stands of its associates: ‘There is nothing like getting to know first-hand the team of people who make up our companies. Businessmen and managers will be attending current and potential clients, confident that the autumn-winter season will be maintained at the standards we are finding to date. The meetings and negotiations will undoubtedly be intense’.
Hall 7, 3, 9 and 10 welcome Proexport's partners
The Region of Murcia space, located in Hall 7, will once again be the place where most of the companies associated with Proexport will be located, including the association, which will be attending visitors at stand 7D06A. Although relevant associated companies that are based in the provinces of Alicante and Almeria and have production facilities in the Region of Murcia will be located in Halls 3, 9 and 10. On this occasion, Proexport's space in the Region of Murcia (Hall 7) will host 28 of its associates: Agrar Systems, Agrícola Santa Eulalia, Agricultores del Sureste, Agrodolores, Agromark, Agromediterránea Hortofrutícola, Agromontes Fresh Group, Campo de Lorca, Deilor, Difrusa Export, Fruca Marketing, Fruveg, Grupo Hortofrutícola Paloma, G's España, Hortiberia, Hortofortini España, Kernel Export, Kettel Produce España, OP Looije, Mercagrisa, Grupo Hortofrutícola Murciana de Vegetales, Pozosur, Procomel, Verdimed, Sol y Tierra Campo de Cartagena, Sacoje, Producciones Agrícolas Sabas, and Explotaciones Agrarias Puerto Export.
In other areas of the fair it will also be possible to visit Primaflor SAT, Peregrín SAT, Agrupapulpí, Bonnysa SAT, Agridemur Marketing, Surinver El Grupo, Florette Murcia, Natveg Marketing and Sociedad Cooperativa Cota 120.
Fernando Gómez, Managing Director of Proexport, recalls that Fruit Attraction is an ideal moment for Proexport farmers and companies to remind their clients of the idea that ‘we are reliable producers’.
PROEXPORT members account for the majority of Spanish production of lettuce and leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, artichoke and melon, as well as significant production of tomatoes, peppers, watermelon, table grapes and lemons, among others.
Proexport partners: https://www.proexport.es/empresas/