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05 June 2024

PRIMAFLOR, new salads and vegetables for microwaves

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During the 2024 campaign, Primaflor, under its commercial brand Mimaflor, continues to work day by day on creating healthy gastronomic experiences with more sustainable packaging, which will allow the already established ‘Delifood’ range and bag format salads to grow, with the help of its ambassador, Michelin Star and Michelin Green Star chef Rodrigo de la Calle.

Constant innovation and attention to consumer trends

Continuing with its strategy, the Almeria-based company focuses its efforts on two key elements: constant innovation and careful attention to consumer trends.

Innovation because it is destined to become the engine that drives growth and relevance. From new flavour combinations to more sustainable production processes, where pre-prepared convenience food must remain at the forefront, surprising and meeting the changing expectations of the market. And consumer focus because we are facing a changing environment, where personalisation has become a key element for differentiation.

During the 2024 campaign, Primaflor, under its commercial brand Mimaflor, continues to work day by day on the creation of healthy gastronomic experiences with more sustainable packaging, which will allow the already established ‘Delifood’ range and bag format salads to grow and expand, with the help of its ambassador, Michelin Star and Michelin Green Star chef Rodrigo de la Calle.

Furthermore, the company stresses that ‘we are determined to lead the way towards a more sustainable future, as we continue to adapt all our materials to more sustainable and environmentally friendly options in all the ranges we market. From ‘Delifood’ to our microwaveable vegetables to fresh and ready-to-eat salads, every product will reflect our commitment to preserving the planet.’

Primaflor invests in cutting-edge research and technologies to ensure that each package not only protects the freshness and quality of its products, but also minimises environmental impact. Committed to reducing its carbon footprint and to promoting responsible and sustainable business practices.

During the current season, the expectations of the company from Almeria are ambitious, as Primaflor not only aspires to maintain its status, but also to beat its own records and seeks to elevate the culinary experience, always focussing on the consumer. The company, which has already introduced various new products to the market in a bid to boost its growth, continues to research and develop new flavours to surprise consumers in line with current consumer trends.

The Almeria-based company is located in the southeast of Spain, where its crops grow on the shores of the Mediterranean, in a unique location with more than 3,300 hours of sunshine on average per year. To find out more about Primaflor, you can find out more at or by calling +34 950 464 011.

Primaflor will be exhibiting at Fruit Attraction at stand 9D01.