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28 June 2024

PLASTIMOL, folding boxes

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Plastimol is presenting its folding cartons at the show. These containers are designed to offer a versatile and cost-effective solution, ideal for a variety of high load capacity applications. Its folding cartons are designed to optimise processes and save space.

Discover Plastimol's folding boxes and revolutionise your logistics!

Are you looking for an innovative and efficient solution to optimise your logistics processes? Plastimol folding cartons are here to make a difference in the market. These containers are designed to offer a versatile and cost-effective solution, ideal for a variety of high load capacity applications, so don't be left behind and get to know all their advantages!

Key benefits of our folding cartons

Efficiency in logistics:

Our folding boxes are designed to optimise processes and save space. Thanks to their ability to fold to 28 mm, these boxes not only facilitate efficient storage, but also enable standardised palletising, ensuring full protection during transport and storage. With an active/passive locking system and a strategically placed handle, we guarantee unintentional failure-free operation.

Durability and sustainability:

At Plastimol, we are committed to the circular economy. Our boxes are reusable according to the UNE 53927 standard and are available in recycled material. This design not only significantly reduces CO2 emissions, but also promotes sustainable practices. You will be able to reduce your carbon footprint in reverse logistics, saving up to 7 trips and generating a positive impact on the environment, as well as reducing long-term operational costs.

Highly ventilated:

One of the outstanding features of our folding boxes is their slatted surface, which offers excellent ventilation. This design is ideal for fresh produce such as fruit and vegetables, ensuring that they are kept in optimum condition during transport and storage. Proper ventilation not only preserves the freshness and quality of produce, but also helps prevent moisture build-up and mould formation, ensuring the safety and hygiene of your goods.

Ease of repair:

We understand the importance of durability in logistics packaging. That's why our folding cartons are designed to be easily repairable. If any part of the box is damaged, it can be easily and economically repaired, prolonging its life and maximising your investment. This repairability reduces the need for frequent replacements, contributing to sustainability and reduced operating costs. Keeping your packaging in top condition has never been easier.

Keep your products fresh and safe. Make every process count with Plastimol folding cartons. They optimise, save space, reduce emissions and, above all, help you run a more sustainable and profitable business. Discover them now and take your logistics to the next level!

Plastimol participates in Fruit Attraction at stand 5B13