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07 June 2024

NOVAFRUT, new Anti-Hail Netting System

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The company is launching a system for installing the screens that allows them to remain flat without the need to change the elastics throughout the life of the screen. In addition, it will present its new products in windbreaks, insect-proofing and total enclosures.

Novafrut continues to innovate

After being the pioneers in the installation of anti-hail nets in Spain for more than 22 years, Novafrut continues to innovate. This time they have introduced a system for installing the nets that allows them to remain flat without the need to change the elastics throughout the life of the net.

It consists of a continuous elastic installed in a zig-zag pattern along the rows and which ‘sews’ the meshes on both sides of each lane, leaving a central space for the hail to be emptied. This emptying is perfect because the tensioned mesh ‘vibrates’ and makes it easier for the hailstones not to accumulate but to slide down to the space between the panels.

It is ideal for areas with a lot of wind and allows the mesh not to sag or rub, which would take years off its life.  It allows the most modern machinery such as vertical pruners, leaf removers, etc. to pass through.

As it is immobilised and in tension, it has a very positive windbreak effect to increase the quality of the fruit or crop it protects. In addition, the system is very quick to assemble and disassemble, which gives a great annual saving compared to other more complex systems.

To complement this system, Novafrut also offers front and side protection of your plot with a very easy and comfortable system. In addition, Novafrut will present its new products in WINDSCREENS, ANTIINSECTOS and TOTAL CLOSINGS.

Novafrut will participate in Fruit Attraction at stand 8D24.