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07 June 2024

MANTER IBÉRICA, innovation and sustainability

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The company launches New Manter MoNo Clipper and Revolutionary Water Treatment Solutions for solids and organics removal. The former, for single material mesh bags, without metal clip, and the latter, offers unprecedented capabilities to maximise water reuse.

Manter Ibérica España is committed to integrated and complete solutions for its customers. To this end, it has a team of professionals ranging from cleaning to palletising. This edition presents two major innovations at Fruit Attraction:

New Manter MoNo Clipper

For single-material net bags, without metal clip.
Closed tubular netting packaging machine with PE label closure. This machine is equipped with an automatic tube change to guarantee a continuous supply of netting.

This system requires less maintenance than the conventional closing machine, as it does not require a clip loader or oil for head maintenance. The integrated labeller works with end-to-end strip, clip to clip, tie tags (Wineglass).

Revolutionary water treatment solutions for the removal of solids and organics

They feature a new system that offers unprecedented capabilities to maximise water reuse and achieve exceptional water clarity.

With advanced filtration and separation technologies, our water treatment solutions effectively capture and remove impurities, suspended solids and contaminants, resulting in exceptionally clear water. Unlike other systems that use chemicals to treat water, our Wyma team's water treatment solution provides a modular and scalable approach to highly filtered, chemical-free water, ready for reuse in the process line.

They focus on:

* Minimising the use of fresh water in vegetable processing.  

* Use of high velocity flows through pipes and equipment to avoid sedimentation of suspended solids. 

* Chemical-free removal of biochemical and chemical oxygen demand, bacteria and other pathogens. 

Undoubtedly two great innovations that not only facilitate the work process of its customers, but also take care of the environment. At Fruit Attraction, Hall 10 Stand C21.