CAJAMAR GROUP creates a line of sustainable investments for the Agri-Food Sector
Grupo Cajamar believes in sustainability, in its necessity, and in the need for it to be efficient and profitable, which is why they have created a line of sustainable investments, which they will present at the show, to help companies and professionals in the agri-food sector to implement these measures in their businesses.
In recent years, the Spanish agri-food sector has made a major effort to modernise irrigation, integrated production, ecological practices, the recovery of by-products and the incorporation of clean energies.
We often read or hear the term "sustainability" linked to the agri-food sector? And because we truly believe in sustainability, in its necessity, and in the need for it to be efficient and profitable, at Grupo Cajamar we have created a line of sustainable investments to help companies and professionals in the agri-food sector to implement these measures in their businesses.
> Sustainable agriculture and biodiversity protection:
By financing investment projects, maintenance and expansion of organic farming, including ancillary facilities and technical support services, as well as the purchase of certified inputs for organic production.
> Renewable energies
Financing projects that support the generation of electricity, including the acquisition, construction, operation, maintenance or repowering of facilities, from the following technologies:
- Solar, concentrating solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and bioenergy*.
*bioenergy may include high-efficiency biomass cogeneration, for which feedstocks are limited to sources that do not deplete existing terrestrial carbon stocks or compete with food production. The use of wood residues is excluded as feedstock.
> Sustainable water resources management
Through the financing of activities, assets or projects that increase water efficiency by incorporating new irrigation technologies. This category also includes new projects, or the maintenance of existing facilities that aim to improve the quality of water use through recycling, treatment or reuse (including wastewater treatment), while maintaining a high degree of energy efficiency.
> Sustainable mobility
Promoting the financing of the purchase of vehicles, including passenger cars, light commercial vehicles and large vehicles that emit less than 50 g CO2/km until 2025, and 0 g CO2/km from 2026 onwards.
Consult our website for products and services designed for the sector: And since sharing knowledge is another way in which we support the sector, we invite you to join our Earth Platform. Where agri-food knowledge is shared:
Grupo Cajamar will be exhibiting at Fruit Attraction at stand 7C22