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23 July 2024

FRESH ENERGY bringing the taste of Egypt to the world

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Fresh Energy is one of the fastest growing agricultural companies in Europe and the Middle East. At the show it will showcase its main products: peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower, lettuce, spring onions, citrus fruits and sweet potatoes.

Fresh Energy is one of the fastest growing agricultural companies in Europe and the Middle East, driven by a mission to improve people's lives through high quality produce, environmental sustainability and reduced food waste.  It aims to be a force for positive change for the food industry.

From farm to fork

 Their farm-to-table philosophy ensures that the freshest produce reaches its destination. They cultivate their offerings on over 3,000 feddans of fertile Egyptian soil, meticulously selecting seeds, applying rigorous quality control measures at every stage, to responsible harvesting and handling practices to obtain prestigious quality accreditations.

Revolutionising the agricultural value chain

They believe in a sustainable future for agriculture. They are actively revolutionising the agricultural value chain by focusing on three key pillars:

Reducing food waste: They apply innovative solutions along the entire supply chain to minimise food waste, ensuring efficient use of resources.

Environmental sustainability: They prioritise sustainable agricultural practices that minimise environmental impact. They are committed to responsible water consumption, soil management and waste reduction.

High quality products: By carefully selecting seeds, applying strict quality control measures and employing advanced cultivation techniques, they guarantee the exceptional quality of our products.

At Fruit Attraction 2024, they are pleased to present their diverse range of fresh fruit and vegetables, offering a taste of Egyptian sunshine and the fertile Nile Valley:

Peppers: vibrant selection of peppers, including Kapia, Palermo, White Hungarian, Hot Green and California varieties. Each pepper has a unique flavour and visual appeal, perfect for adding a zing to your dishes.

Tomatoes: juicy sweetness and versatility of their Egyptian-grown tomatoes. From classic round tomatoes to tasty plum varieties.

Cucumbers: refreshing freshness of their cucumbers, ideal for salads, snacks or simply to enjoy on their own.

Cauliflower: beautiful white florets of your fresh cauliflower, perfect for roasting, steaming or incorporating into your favourite recipes.

Lettuce: crisp texture and mild flavour in their lettuce varieties. They offer a selection to suit your needs, from romaine to batavian.

Spring onions: Delicate onion flavour in meals with their fresh spring onions.

Citrus: Refreshing sweetness and vibrant colours of their Egyptian citrus. They offer oranges, mandarins, lemons and grapefruit.

Sweet potato: rich sweetness and versatility of their Egyptian sweet potatoes. They are perfect for baking, roasting or blending into delicious smoothies.

Join them at Fruit Attraction 2024 in Madrid. They invite you to discover the taste of Egypt and explore the possibilities of a long-term partnership with a company committed to quality and sustainability. Visit them at stand number 2C09.

Secure a reliable supply: partner with a trusted source for premium Egyptian products. Explore mutually beneficial opportunities: Discover how Fresh Energy can elevate your business with consistent quality and dedicated service. Fresh Energy is more than just a supplier. They are a partner in creating a brighter future for food.