CAAE is an international organisation for the certification of organic production.

CAAE, which will attend the show, is an international certification body for organic production. CAAE's Inputs Area will be present at its stand, presenting itself as the only certification body with accreditation as a Notified Body for the EU Fertiliser Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 and accreditation for the certification of UNE Inputs for EU organic production.
CAAE is, since 1991, an international certification body for organic production. It has a global approach to the organic world, offering certifications that cover all the needs of the sector. CAAE is also the reference entity in Spanish for organic certification and the only one in Spain to be accredited by the European Commission for third countries, by the US government for the NOP and by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry of the Government of Japan for the JAS. Moreover, it is a leader in the input sector and, in addition to the CAAE Inputs standard itself, we are an authorised CO for UNE Inputs.
CAAE's Inputs Area
CAAE's Inputs Area will attend Fruit Attraction presenting itself as the only certification body with accreditation as a Notified Body for the EU Fertiliser Regulation (EU) 2019/1009 and accreditation for the certification of UNE Inputs for EU organic production. CAAE also offers input certification service under the main organic standards worldwide, NOP, JAS, RTPO (Peru) and LPO (Mexico).
CAAE's commitment to Sustainability. CAAE's legal, sustainable and efficient water standard
The CAAE standard for legal, sustainable and efficient water use offers the greatest guarantees to national and international consumers regarding the origin of the water used on farms. Control points are established for the three blocks of requirements: legality, sustainability and efficiency. The verification process will consist of the evaluation of these requirements in a documentary and face-to-face manner at the applicant's farms. Once the dossier is assessed, a verification certificate issued by a fully independent third party will be issued.
The Ecovalia Social Standards are a differentiation tool for organic production and companies, acting in an ethical and transparent manner, assuming their role as drivers of sustainable development and taking advantage of the competitive advantage derived from a greater commitment to society and the environment. The Ecovalia brand identifies those products and companies that meet the requirements of organic production, as well as the social and environmental requirements established by the standard.
The social requirements collected refer to elements internal and external to the company. On the one hand, there are the personnel working in the organisation, and on the other hand, the territory in which the entity is integrated.
Sustainable materials CAAE Standard CAAE Packaging and sustainable materials.
The CAAE Sustainable Materials Standard focuses on the certification of both raw materials and the materials of processed products or packaging, as well as their quality control, offering the client real guarantees of the sustainable origin of these products. This standard can be applied to three scopes depending on the type of product: All companies manufacturing materials that want to certify their ecological/natural/recycled origin, and optionally also their degree of composting. All companies processing these sustainable materials that manufacture products and/or packaging. All packaging companies (food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, etc.) that want to certify the percentage of sustainable packaging they use in their processes.
CAAE will be at the 8C01 Fruit Attraction stand.
Contact: Lidia Chica González, Commercial Delegate Sustainability Services and CAAE Standards lchica@caae.es - caae.es Telephone 955018968/ Mobile 627906203