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23 July 2024

BRANDT will present two innovative products

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BRANDT will once again be present at the show, where it will showcase two major new additions to its product portfolio, the innovative biostimulants BRANDT® Reaction P DS and BRANDT® InVigo®.

BRANDT® Reacción P DS

BRANDT® Reaction P DS is a special biostimulant in soluble crystals consisting of two main elements, nitrogen in ammoniacal form and orthophosphate, which improves the phosphorus yield in the soil, preventing other elements present in the soil from reacting and inactivating them. The lack of phosphorus directly affects the crop, delaying growth, root development and ripening, especially in alkaline soils rich in calcium and magnesium and in acid soils where iron and aluminium predominate. With this technology, in which the protected phosphate is much more mobile in the soil solution than conventional phosphorus, possible immobilisation reactions are counteracted with phosphorus inputs, with great benefits for the harvest and final production. After several tests, it has been proven that the analysis of the shielded phosphate ion has shown that it moves up to 30 centimetres in the soil profile when it is applied in fertigation, while the same phosphate ion without shielding rarely moves more than 5 centimetres. It also allows for better positioning, faster access of nutrients around the plant's root system due to its higher solubility and lower amounts of fertiliser due to its long availability. It is especially suitable for localised distributions, as it has a low salinity index.

This special biostimulant is part of the BRANDT® ReactionTM line of fertilisers, which in general, when used directly on the soil solution, allow a reduction in the amount of dosage used compared to traditional fertilisers, a longer permanence of macro and micronutrients in the soil solution and eliminate the occurrence of possible immobilisation interactions. 

BRANDT® InVigo®.

Another of the great products that BRANDT will present at Fruit Attraction will be BRANDT® InVigo®, a high performance biostimulant that maintains optimum levels of proline and glutathione in the plant, which are used as reinforcing factors against different types of stress: frost, temperature changes, water stress or saline solution. In the same way, this product stimulates photosynthesis, achieving better rooting, vigorous growth and nutrient utilisation; it increases fruit set, fruit size and fruit retention; and it increases quality and yield.

Brandt will be exhibiting at Fruit Attraction at stand 7D28.