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07 June 2024

BIOVEGEN, a benchmark in the agrobiotech sector

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Since 2019 BIOVEGEN has been actively participating in Fruit Attraction by managing the ‘Biotech Attraction’ area, a space that in 2023 occupied 256 m2 and 17 exhibitors, and which aims to enhance the agri-biotechnology sector as a mechanism for economic development and social welfare. In the next edition, it will be located at the head of Hall 1.

BIOVEGEN is a public-private partnership with 185 partners.

BIOVEGEN is a public-private partnership led by the business sector with 185 member organisations. From its foundation to the present day, BIOVEGEN has managed to position itself as a benchmark in the agri-biotech sector thanks to its management work focused on stimulating science-business collaboration and business development through plant innovation. Since 2019, BIOVEGEN has been actively participating in Fruit Attraction by managing the ‘Biotech Attraction’ area, a space that in the last edition occupied 256 m2 and had 17 exhibitors, and which aims to enhance the relevance of the agri-biotech sector as a mechanism for economic development and social welfare. As a novelty, in the next edition this area will be located at the head of Hall 1 of IFEMA (Madrid), which will increase the number of visitors and the visibility of its exhibitors.

In addition, BIOVEGEN will once again organise the conference renamed ‘Biotech Attraction 2024 Congress’, one of the most massive and consolidated events of the fair, which counted more than 280 attendees from companies and R&D centres in the previous edition. The event will bring together high-level experts from the public and private sectors who will present the advances, trends and future prospects of their corresponding lines of research.

In parallel to this event, BIOVEGEN will also organise a forum of presentations in which the value of plant innovation will be highlighted through successful cases of companies that have been able to develop products and services based on scientific knowledge and the numerous applications of biotechnology.

For its part, BIOVEGEN will have a stand at the next edition of Fruit Attraction, from which it will publicise the R&D&I projects in which it is currently involved and its activities focused on the organisation of events, the development of the strategic innovation agenda, the promotion of collaborations, as well as the dissemination of relevant information for the agri-food sector.

Precisely in line with the objectives of the association, networking and B&B meetings will be promoted, providing spaces in which organisations can forge collaborative links that help to respond to the challenges currently facing the agri-food sector. It will occupy stand 1B05 at Fruit Attraction.


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