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27 June 2024

BANCO SABADELL AGRICULTURAL SEGMENT, digital and sustainable transformation

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Banco Sabadell Agricultural Segment is once again committed to being present at Fruit Attraction. An excellent meeting point with the primary sector and a great opportunity to establish business contacts, strengthening Banco Sabadell's position and firm commitment to accompany and support the fruit and vegetable sector in its digital and sustainable transformation.

BANCO SABADELL and FRUIT ATTRACTION, a meeting point for innovation and sustainability in the fruit and vegetable sector

Fruit Attraction is seen as an event that promotes international collaboration in the agricultural sector, a showcase for innovation, where you can learn about the latest advances in technology, cutting-edge sustainable cultivation techniques and market trends towards improving efficiency and food quality.

For all these reasons, Banco Sabadell Segmento Agrario is once again committed to being present at Fruit Attraction. An excellent meeting point with the primary sector and a great opportunity to establish business contacts, strengthening Banco Sabadell's position and firm commitment to accompany and support the fruit and vegetable sector in its digital and sustainable transformation.


Along these lines, professionals attending Fruit Attraction will be able to see first-hand the products and services designed with specialisation and proximity in mind. Amongst others, it is worth highlighting:

  • FLEXI Agro Loan. A loan for your day-to-day business, with total payment flexibility. With it, you can advance the CAP and other subsidies, the AgroSeguro premium or simply pay the expenses of your campaign. In this way, you will have liquidity available according to your needs.
  • Plantation Loan. Designed for farmers who need to finance the planting of trees/crops (fruit trees, olive trees, vineyards, almond trees, etc.) that take several years to start bearing fruit and require a high initial investment.
  • Alternative financing lines such as Renting Agro: All in one contract, with the possibility of including 100% of the investment. The instalments are considered a direct expense. And VAT is deductible.

You can consult its wide range of products and services at the Banco Sabadell website

Banco Sabadell Agricultural Segment reaffirms that digitalisation is a fundamental tool for the modernisation of this sector. It is a fact that the application of advanced technologies - such as precision agriculture, data management, automation and artificial intelligence - help the production sector and the entire agri-food chain to improve the efficiency of its processes and reduce environmental impact. For this reason, Banco Sabadell Agricultural Segment has several agreements/agreements with different benchmark companies in Big Data and digitisation. Through these, it offers easy access to financing in order to make the transformation of traditional farms into efficient and sustainable farms possible.

Agro APP

In addition, our customers have access to the Agro APP where they can access the most relevant news from the sector, information on subsidies, an agenda with the main conferences, as well as Banco Sabadell's collaboration agreements with the main players in the sector, and other applications of interest.

Another commitment of Banco Sabadell Agricultural Segment is to support circular economy projects in the primary sector. The sustainability of fruit and vegetable products must be reflected not only in terms of sustainable agriculture, which optimises the resources needed for production, but also in the containers and packaging used during the transport, storage and consumption stages.

 In short, Banco Sabadell's participation in Fruit Attraction 2024 once again underlines its firm commitment to the fruit and vegetable sector. Through its support for digital transformation, sustainability and circular economy projects, Banco Sabadell once again demonstrates its dedication to promoting innovation and sustainable development in the agricultural sector. This commitment not only strengthens the sector, but also contributes to building a greener and more efficient future for the fruit and vegetable industry.

Banco Sabadell participa en Fruit Attraction en el stand 10F24