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05 June 2024

ALTINCO, a Sustainable Future

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The company has been working for 30 years to provide solutions for companies and farmers to ensure a sustainable future for agriculture. They have the capacity to adapt to the constant changes in agriculture.

Agrochemical multinational

Altinco is a multinational agrochemical company that designs and manufactures a wide range of natural, residue-free products that achieve optimal crop response to adverse situations. For 30 years, they have been working to provide solutions to companies and farmers that guarantee a sustainable future for agriculture.

Thanks to the talent, effort and dedication of the people who form part of their team, they evolve alongside farmers to create efficient and competitive agronomic solutions that add value and respect the environment. They are committed to discovering efficient and competitive formulas that they transfer to the field with their expertise and the collaboration of farmers, to evolve together towards a future in which agriculture is more sustainable and fertile.

They have the ability to adapt to the constant changes that agriculture is undergoing and they do so with commitment and empathy. They always collaborate openly and closely both internally and with their customers.

Their formulations are not random. For years and years, they have been using the expert knowledge of their researchers and agronomists in the field and in the laboratory to find effective solutions. The attitude of constantly searching for solutions is in the DNA of their team, as is sustainability. For 30 years, all their products have been characterised by being natural and zero waste, and this is something they will never give up.

Despite the contextual difficulties, they are always committed to continue growing and improving. Without forgetting the well-being of the organisation, they never stop looking ahead and contributing to a better future for everyone with ambition. They continue to research, design and manufacture unique products designed to solve the problems of agricultural producers.

They are committed to their customers' problems and to the sector in general. They combine their knowledge, applied to the research and development of natural agrochemical solutions without residues, with their experience to meet the challenges they face. Altinco will occupy stand 5C14 at Fruit Attraction.