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05 June 2024

AGRONUTRIENTS, presents its latest breakthrough: Booster-K10

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The company with more than 25 years of experience developing products for use in agriculture. This edition presents Booster-K10, an innovative product developed to boost priming and improve crop health. Its unique formulation, based on a combination of nutrients and organic matter, guarantees a balanced and complete nutrition for plants.

What is Booster-K10?

In the dynamic world of agriculture, the search for solutions that boost crop protection is a constant priority.

crop protection is a constant priority. It is in this context that Agronutrients presents its latest breakthrough: Booster-K10, a nutritional booster designed to take agricultural protection to new levels.

Booster-K10 is an innovative product developed by Agronutrients to boost priming and improve crop health. Its unique formulation, based on a careful combination of nutrients and organic matter, guarantees a balanced and complete nutrition for plants. Booster-K10 is presented as a product that complies with the ‘Regulation 848/2018’ input for use in organic farming, in addition, it is compatible with auxiliary fauna and boosts the activity of microorganisms in the soil.

Outstanding Benefits:

Optimal Nutrition: The presence of organic nitrogen and potassium in the formula of Booster-K10 ensures balanced nutrition, providing plants with the essential elements for healthy development and supplying organic matter to the soil. Booster-K10 formula ensures balanced nutrition, providing plants with the essential elements for healthy growth and organic matter to the soil.

2. K10 Enzyme Technology: The innovative K10 enzyme technology incorporated in Booster-K10 not only promotes plant growth, but also activates the plants' natural defence mechanisms, priming effect. This strengthens the crop's resistance to certain pests and adverse environmental conditions.

3. Easy and Effective Application: Booster-K10 has been designed for easy and efficient application. Periodic application via the roots, together with regular irrigation, is recommended to ensure uniform distribution and optimal absorption by the plants.

Why choose Booster-K10?

Agronutrients has more than 25 years of experience developing enzyme-based products for use in agriculture and has an unwavering commitment to quality and to the farmer, guaranteeing tangible results and a positive impact on the productivity of your crops. By choosing Booster-K10 from Agronutrients, farmers can rely on a proven and reliable solution to improve the control and prevention of certain pests on their crops. Boost your crop with Booster-K10!

Agronutrients will be present at the 16th edition of Fruit Attraction, stand 7A25, to show how Booster-K10 works and the rest of real solutions for today's agriculture. To find out more you can follow them on RRSS: @agronutrients or

contact us directly at +34 968-619-515
