AGROFRESH, digital solutions and SO2 sheets

The company will present several new products at the show, including: Strella, which helps fruit and vegetable packing houses define the optimal order for opening pear and apple chambers, and SO2 films, Uvasys™ and Berrisys™, which help protect table grapes and blueberries from the effects of Botrytis cinerea.
AgroFresh is a global leader in post-harvest freshness and quality solutions, dedicated to improving the quality and extending the shelf life of fresh produce while reducing food loss and waste. With a legacy of innovation dating back more than 40 years, AgroFresh addresses fresh produce supply chain challenges from every angle, offering a full suite of integrated post-harvest solutions. Among its innovations, two will stand out at the 16th edition of Fruit Attraction.
Strella, the latest addition to its digital portfolio, helps fruit and vegetable packing houses to define the optimal opening order of chambers for pears and apples. It is a wireless sensor that, using biosensor technology, collects real-time storage data from apples and pears during their controlled atmosphere storage period. By using the sensor data to predict the maturity of the chamber, Strella contributes greatly to making the correct opening decision. Among its main advantages is the real-time data display (ethylene, CO2, O2, temperature and humidity). In a very intuitive control panel it shows the data clearly, helping to anticipate chamber openings, giving the possibility to generate alerts designed by the user, and contributing to reduce food waste. AgroFresh is the exclusive distributor of Strella worldwide.
SO2 foils, Uvasys™ and Berrisys™
On the other hand, SO2 films, Uvasys™ and Berrisys™, which help protect table grapes and blueberries from the effects of Botrytis cinerea during storage and transport, will be highlighted. In order to ensure that the fruit remain in perfect condition throughout this process Uvasys, helps contain infections that may have arisen during flowering, ensuring that only damaged fruit or bunches are affected. The secret lies in the precise amount of SO2 emitted, carefully balanced to release the full potential of Uvasys. Berrisys also uses laminated plastic membranes designed with precise concentrations and particle sizes of Na2S2O5 for optimum efficacy, helping to effectively contain any potential Botrytis cinerea infection in previously affected fruit.
AgroFresh has everything you need to help growers, packing houses and retailers succeed in your business from harvest to home. For more information, contact your local AgroFresh representative or visit agrofresh.com. Remember to always read the label and product information before use and pay attention to warning phrases and pictograms.