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04 June 2024

ACTITURE starts work on its new warehouse

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The company has taken a significant step towards expansion with the inauguration of work on the historic facilities of the defunct Zufrisa juice concentrate factory in Calatorao. This project will transform the space into a modern packaging and distribution centre exclusively dedicated to organic broccoli and cauliflower, marking a milestone in the regional fruit and vegetable industry.

Committed to healthy and sustainable food production

At Actiture, we are committed to the production of healthy and sustainable food with our organic vegetable crops specialising in cauliflower and broccoli and, this year, we will be present for another year, exhibiting at Ecorganic Market, the area specialising in organic produce in Hall 8 at Fruit Attraction.

This year we have taken a significant step towards expansion with the inauguration of work on the historic facilities of the former Zufrisa juice concentrate factory in Calatorao. This new project will transform the space into a modern packaging and distribution centre exclusively dedicated to organic broccoli and cauliflower, marking an important milestone in the regional fruit and vegetable industry.

Actiture will additionally invest more than €5.5 million to revitalise and modernise the facility, generating a total of 150 jobs. This effort not only revitalises a key industrial space, but also promises to strengthen the local economy by creating new jobs and increasing production capacity by 30%.

The new warehouse, with 8,000 m2 of floor space and a refrigeration system that will exceed the previous capacity by 50%, is scheduled to start operations in November this year where we plan to handle between 20 and 22 million kilos of vegetables annually, benefiting from the strategic location of the warehouses at the foot of the A-2 motorway. The transformation of these facilities into a broccoli and cauliflower production and distribution centre not only revitalises an important local asset, but also represents a significant step towards sustainability and commitment to organic production. Actiture is thus consolidating its position as a leader in the promotion of responsible and sustainable agricultural practices in northern Spain. Actiture will be present at Fruit Attraction at stand 8C03.

