Visit Portugal presento en FITUR 2024 el mayor stand de su historia con 116 empresasVisit Portugal presented on the largest stand in its history at FITUR 2024, with 116 companies.

It brought together 116 companies, all its tourism regions and several of the country’s municipalities. It also took advantage of the Trade Fair to present the new Turismo de Portugal campaign with 12 commitments to the tourist of the future.
This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the Carnation Revolution (1974-2024), so Visit Portugal invited a master paper craftswoman to make carnations for all visitors to its stand at FITUR. Portugal also took advantage of its presence at the trade fair to unveil the new Turismo de Portugal campaign with 12 commitments to the tourist of the future. Under the slogan “No es Turismo. Es Futurismo” (It’s not tourism. It's Futurism) it aims to inspire people to take an active role in the changes that tourism needs from fighting against overcrowding, respecting territories and elements of nature, protecting traditions, local communities, valuing their heritage and gastronomy and contributing together for a positive impact.
Portugal's commitment to sustainability was reflected in the design and materials of its stand at FITUR, which also included the tourism representatives of Setúbal, Douro Communities, Municipalities of S. João da Pesqueira, Community of Viseu Dão Lafões, Municipalities of Braga, Tomar, Gondomar, Viana do Castelo, Castelo Branco, Covilhã and Barcelos, Wine Commission of Bairrada, Community of Baixo Alentejo and the regions of Beiras and Serra da Estrela with their agenda of activities during the weekend. In total, the trade fair was attended by 116 companies, the seven tourism regions (Porto and Northern Portugal, Central Portugal, Lisbon, the Alentejo, the Algarve, and the Portuguese Islands: Madeira and Azores) and 19 municipalities were present.
Spanish tourists in Portugal
Between January and November 2023 Portugal recorded the arrival of 28.2 million visitors (+13.4%), 73.1 million overnight stays (+10.8%) and, up to October, it received a revenue of €22.3 billion, 19.8% more than in 2022. Specifically, the number of Spaniards visiting Portugal was 5.6 million, with April, July, August, September and October being the strongest months.