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15 July 2024

FITUR Sports announces its third edition to define the future of sports tourism

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From 22 to 26 January at IFEMA MADRID, FITUR 2025 is hosting the third edition of its sports tourism section organised in collaboration with Spain is Sport - AFYDAD.

Its three focal points will be outdoor sport, competitive sport and sporting events and Sport Business Travel, with exhibitions at the weekend for the final public.

FITUR announces the third consecutive edition of FITUR Sports after making its way into the agenda of essential events for sports tourism professionals. Organised by IFEMA MADRID and SPAIN IS SPORT - AFYDAD, the Spanish Association of Manufacturers and Distributors of Sporting Goods, the section will take advantage of the synergies of the International Tourism Trade Fair from 22 to 26 January 2025.

After its first two editions, it is one of the areas within FITUR that has become firmly established as a specialised event of national and international reference, consolidating the connection between tourism and sport as a key driver of socioeconomic development. FITUR Sports aims to promote the exchange of knowledge through a powerful programme of conferences and to generate business opportunities. To this end, three key areas have been defined around which the contents will revolve: Outdoor Sports, Competitive Sports  and Sports Events & Sports Business Travel.

In addition, FITUR Sports has managed to involve the main public and private stakeholders, including the Sports Council (Consejo Superior de Deportes), Turespaña, UNWTO, CEOE, ADESP, as well as the different professional federations and associations linked to sport and tourism, as well as involving major sponsors.

FITUR Sports 2024 (video summary) was spread over the five days of the trade fair, with three professional days packed with 30 sessions, 100 speakers and more than 20 hours of content, with over a thousand visitors a day, plus the exhibition and networking area located in a padel tennis court. In addition, the online streaming reached more than 8,000 views over the three days, demonstrating the high level of interest generated by the quality of the programme.

FITUR Sports 2025: news and programme preview

Following the success of the previous edition, FITUR Sports 2025 will be repeating the format of three professional days of conferences and round tables from 22 to 24 January and exhibitions with activities being held over the weekend for the general public.

So, with almost six months to go before the start of the International Tourism Trade Fair, FITUR Sports announces a programme preview for its third edition:

Wednesday 22 January: Sports and outdoor active tourism. Emerging dynamics, destination management, product development and experiences, sustainability, marketing and commercialisation are just some of the areas that will be focused on during the first day.

Thursday 23 January: Professional and competitive sports. On the second day, experts in the area will discuss team sports, training camps, tournaments, campuses, golf, the needs of the elite athlete, competitive team travel, medical travel and trends in sports tourism resorts and equipment.

Friday 24 January: Strategies, impact and legacy of sporting events. The last professional day will be brought to a close by covering interesting topics such as sporting events and large participatory events, ticketing and VIP corporate hospitality experiences, Sports Marketing Travel and MICE & Sports (corporate travel in the sports sector), as well as the synergies to be explored between brands, retail and sports tourism.

For further information, please contact:

Exhibitors (working group) and sponsorships:

Marta Mercader:

Encarna Serratacó,

Conference programme, speakers and collaborations:

Maurici Carbó: