Los II Premios FITUR4all 2025 convocados junto a IMPULSA IGUALDAD anuncian sus ganadores

Valladolid, Peru, iUrban and Vías Verdes of the Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles, are proclaimed the winners in the categories of national destination, international destination, company and inclusive organisation, respectively.
The International Tourism Trade Fair, in collaboration with IMPULSA IGUALDAD, announce the winners of the second edition of the FITUR4all Awards, recognising the efforts of destinations, companies and institutions in the development and promotion of accessibility in the tourism sector and whose purpose is to give visibility, thank and encourage commitment in moving towards inclusive tourism.
The jury, made up of experts in tourism, accessibility and inclusion, have decided that Valladolid, Peru, iUrban and Vías Verdes de la Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles were the participants that were most closely aligned to the objectives of inclusivity in tourism in the categories of Inclusive National Destination, Inclusive International Destination, Inclusive Company and Inclusive Organisation, respectively.
The awards ceremony, sponsored by Mallorca, will take place on Friday 24 January at 3.30pm and the winners will receive a trophy handcrafted by Cirvite, reflecting the inclusive commitment of FITUR4all, as well as a diploma and a distinctive mark that can be used in their communications.
Valladolid, winner in the category of Inclusive National Destination, for its integration of accessibility in all tourist areas of the city, becoming a model for other destinations to follow. From the implementation of an innovative artificial intelligence assistant that facilitates the planning of accessible experiences, to the inclusion in its patron saint festivities and cultural events, Valladolid has demonstrated a firm commitment to universal accessibility. This cross-cutting approach has enabled residents and visitors alike to enjoy a fully inclusive city.
In the Inclusive Company category, iUrban for its revolutionary use of personalised multilingual artificial intelligence. Its innovative solution recognises more than 500 accessibility criteria, offering users the possibility to plan trips and tourist experiences in a personalised and accessible way. The ability of this technology to adapt to diverse destinations and user profiles makes it a key inclusive tool for the future of tourism.
Finally, Vías Verdes of the Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles (Spanish greenways), is the winner of the award for Inclusive Organisation for its outstanding work in the recovery and adaptation of Spain’s industrial railway heritage as an accessible and inclusive tourist resource. This project has proven to be a reference in the field of universal accessibility, successfully tackling the challenge of integrating accessibility criteria in rural and natural spaces, traditionally difficult to adapt.
In addition to the winners, in recognition of their commitment to giving visibility to best practices in accessibility and inclusion, the jury has also announced the special mentions in each category. Thus, in National Destination, second and third place went to Visita Gijón and the Santa Eulària des Riu Town Council; in International Destination to Montevideo and Costa Rica; in Inclusive Company to Let's Meet Panama and Tromso Accesible; and in Inclusive Organisation to Red Costarricense and REAJ.
One step closer to accessibility in tourism
FITUR 4all is holding its second edition on 24 and 25 January, combining presentations by national and international speakers on social sustainability, accessibility technology and the importance of the value chain at destinations, among other issues, with awareness-raising sessions at the weekend to encourage travellers to connect with the need to foster accessibility in order to bring tourism closer to everyone.
The presentation of the first 'Best Practices Guide to Tourism Accessibility by Fitur4all' will also be taking place, which includes the most outstanding accessibility projects developed between 2023 and 2024 due to their positive impact and replicability.