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15 October 2024

Alejandro Martín (thinkIN): "FITUR 2025 will be a great opportunity to consolidate our positioning in the hotel sector".

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Alejandro Martín, CEO de thinkIN, comparte con nosotros las principales novedades que presentará esta empresa en FITUR 2025. Entre ellas, la evolución de su contact center, más tecnológico que nunca, con más de 16 años de experiencia en el sector hotelero. Además, su servicio de Web Booking Sales y motor de reservas, para impulsar la venta directa, y sus propuestas en social marketing, reputación online y revenue management. Para Martin, FITUR 2025 será “el momento perfecto para compartir todo en lo que hemos estado trabajando y seguir impulsando el crecimiento de nuestros clientes con soluciones tecnológicas innovadoras.”

What are the contact centre innovations that thinkIN plans to bring to FITUR 2025?

This year at thinkIN we are really excited about what we are going to present. Firstly, we’ll be highlighting the new features of our Contact Centre, a key solution for hotels to offer a close and personalised service, which significantly improves direct sales, guest satisfaction and loyalty.

In addition, on this occasion, we are introducing StayTalks, an innovative solution based on generative AI (artificial intelligence) that enables seamless and constant communication with guests throughout their stay, elevating the experience and creating longer lasting relationships.

What other proposals will you be bringing to the trade fair?

In terms of direct sales, our Web Booking Sales service continues to facilitate the conversion of visits into bookings with an optimised user experience and marketing strategies adapted to industry developments.

We will also be showcasing BETH, our booking engine, in its new version, which offers an even more intuitive and flexible interface, adapting to the specific needs of each hotel. In addition, new integrations to reduce the cancellation rate of bookings, or offer a more personalised service to guests.

What will we see in social marketing, online reputation and revenue management?

Naturally we can’t forget our Social Marketing and Online Reputation solution, which helps hotels to improve their presence on social networks, increasing brand visibility, engagement with their followers and improving their GRI compared to the competition.

And finally, we’ll be presenting some new additions to Revenue Management, with advanced strategies based on real-time data to maximise hotel revenues and profitability.

What does thinkIN expect from its participation at FITUR?

For us, FITUR 2025 is a great opportunity to strengthen our customer relationships, explore new collaborations and consolidate our positioning in the hotel sector. It's the perfect time to share everything we've been working on and continue to drive our customers' growth with innovative technology solutions.