FITUR TECHY welcomes more than 230 experts from the tourism industry at the close of its three professional conferences

The section was visited by Their Majesties The King and Queen of Spain as part of the inaugural tour of FITUR 2024, as well as with the participation of Jordi Hereu, Minister of Industry and Tourism on 25 January.
FITUR TECHY, organised by IFEMA MADRID, in collaboration with ITH, has showcased the latest technological trends in the tourism industry during the professional days of the International Tourism Trade Fair. On this occasion, Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain visited the section on their inaugural tour, which was attended by Jordi Hereu, Minister of Industry and Tourism, and more than 230 executives and representatives of companies and organisations linked to the tourism industry. Jordi Hereu, Minister of Industry and Tourism, and more than 230 executives and representatives of companies and organisations linked to the tourism industry. In addition, on the afternoon of 25 January, the AMT Smart Destinations Awards 2024 were held, closed by Rosana Morillo, Secretary of State for Tourism of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism.
During the first day, the #techYnegocio forum analysed the challenges the hotel and tourism industry faces. To this end, it delved into how artificial intelligence, virtual reality and other technologies pose significant challenges to hotel operations and the traveller experience. Jorge Marichal, President of CEHAT, stressed the importance of reconciling technological advances with human capital. Subsequently, “El rol de la tecnología en el crecimiento de las cadenas hoteleras” (The role of technology in the growth of hotel chains) was discussed by experts. The second to last round table was devoted to analysing the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in traditional hotel distribution. In the afternoon, a meeting was also held under the title “El renacimiento del revenue: desafío de la tecnología en la gestión de ingresos” (The renaissance of revenue: the challenge of technology in revenue management).
The day ended with a ceremony to recognise the 150 most influential professionals in Spain's tourism industry, including Javier García Cuenca, President of ITH, Ramón Estalella, Secretary General of ITH, Álvaro Carrillo de Albornoz, Director General of ITH, and Coralía Pino, Head of Projects in the area of sustainability and energy efficiency.
The #techYsostenibilidad, a forum sponsored by Dinapsis, shows the keys to the tourism industry to better manage resources and face the challenges that arise.
“El impacto del cambio climático en el destino. Medidas de adaptación y mitigación” (The impact of climate change on the destination. Adaptation and mitigation measures) was the central topic of this day, thanks to two presentations and debates in which a variety of professional profiles participated. Virginia Sarobe, Director of Sustainability at Bioscore, focused her presentation on explaining the importance of planning from the value chain as a key to the adaptation of accommodation. In parallel, Luis Quevedo, journalist and science communicator, discussed air quality in different environments, technology and management models needed to reduce the impact of climate change on destinations, among other issues. The afternoon session ended with the VII Edition of the FITUR-Intermundial Seguros Foundation Responsible Tourism Award.
#techYdestino, sponsored by Maarlab, studied the situation of tourist destinations and the agents that operate in them, using innovation and technology as support elements for their growth and the improvement of the tourist experience. The opening speech was given by Raúl Dominguez, CEO of Maarlab, together with different professionals, focusing on the challenges of the destination, to later give way to the intense debate on "the traveller's experience in the destination: robots vs. humans". The round table addressed the issue of cybersecurity, where different companies, both public and private, explained their experience in handling the growing challenges that arise. It also delved into the remodelling of pioneering destinations, addressing the need to introduce changes in order to maintain their leadership. The day ended with a meeting of the Alliance of Sun and Beach Tourism Municipalities (Alianza de Municipios Turísticos, AMT) in which the factors influencing the redefinition of these destinations were discussed.
Through #techYfuturo, sponsored by American Express, leading tourism personalities shared their knowledge and opinions on issues that seek to find innovative solutions to meet the new challenges of the future. During this first day, the new ways of conceiving tourism through the expansion of new technologies were developed. On this day, the panel “Construyendo horizontes. Innovaciones para revolucionar las ciudades” (Building horizons. Innovations to revolutionise cities) and the presentation on “Desbloqueando el potencial creativo” (Unlocking creative potential). The afternoon of #techYfuturo started with a presentation on the creation of innovation environments for the future of tourism and the “a doble «T»: Travel Y Tecnología. El impacto de la inteligencia artificial en el mundo del turismo” (double 'T': Travel & Technology. The impact of artificial intelligence on the world of tourism) debates. The closing debate, under the title “Desgranando el dato para conocer al huésped del futuro” (Analysing the data to learn about the guest of the future), focused on the importance of data in the industry.
Finally, at #techYhotel, different authorities and professionals from the industry visited FITURTECHY with special attention to the innovative technological solutions that were exhibited in the showroom of the "hotel of the future" #techYhotel. More than 40 companies have joined this space to showcase the most cutting-edge technologies in the hotel industry.
The FITURTECHY forums, organised by IFEMA MADRID in collaboration with ITH, were held during the trade fair's professional days with the presence of numerous experts and industry leaders who were able to offer their point of view on the development of the tourism of the future.