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We have developed a methodology to analyse and promote the replicability of good practices in tourism


Phase 1 - Identification of best practices

We observe replicable innovations in tourism that have positive effects on residents, visitors, destinations and the planet.

Phase 2 - Analysis and pre-selection of best practices

We organize innovations based on the challenges they address. Studying these best practices helps us define the critical elements that drive their replicability.

Phase 3 - Assessment of best practices

Each year we focus our research on one of these challenges and select the best practices that address it. Additionally, we assess innovations using the replicability barometer. We contrast our assessment with the industry and experts.

Phase 4 - Publication of results in Fitur

We promote the best practices selected and create a program aimed at driving their replication in the industry.We promote the best practices selected and create a program aimed at driving their replication in the industry.

The replicability barometer

The replicability barometer is a tool to estimate the potential for replicability of best practices, assessing the conditions needed for them to be developed by other actors in other places. It examines the intrinsic elements of best practices through 2 dimensions: one of them assesses the level of maturity of the initiative and the other, its feasibility to be replicated. Each of the dimensions includes 3 variables:


The assessment of each dimension is based on a 5-level scale, which is determined by the scope of a specific KPI for each level. The tool proposes indicators in the form of questions that help identify the most accurate level quickly and easily.

The impact barometer

It is a tool designed for each challenge that measures the potential of the projects by combining different indicators to measure their degree of impact with respect to the chosen challenge, while providing objectivity to the assessments of the Observatory and the Advisory Board. It is preceded by research and interviews with relevant actors in the sector, including members of the Advisory Board.

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