El Yiyo

El Yiyo


Born in Barcelona in 1996, El Yiyo is the latest flamenco sensation, with almost fifteen years of professional experience despite his youth. Discovered at the age of seven by a bailaor at a family party, he has risen rapidly in the world of flamenco, headlining more than twenty shows and touring internationally since the age of eleven. A member of a gypsy family with no artistic background, his rise is based on intuition and vocation.

Part of the YouTube generation, El Yiyo has absorbed knowledge by studying videos of bailaores and has been fortunate to have known great masters since childhood, such as Eduardo Serrano "el Güito" and Joaquín Cortés. Renowned for his elegant yet wild style of dancing, as well as his appeal to photographers and fashion labels, El Yiyo stands out as an up-and-coming figure in and out of the flamenco tablao. Despite his success, he maintains his serenity while his feet unleash passion with heels, kicks and kicks.

Guest artist

Show: "A MI AIRE".

El Yiyo

  • Dance: El YIYO
  • Singing: Juañarito and Morenito de Illora. 
  • Guitar: Aquilino Jimenez
  • Percussion: Felipe Maya