ExpoÓptica 2024 announces that Audiology will have a dedicated section featuring more than 20 companies for its second edition

More than 20 audiology companies will highlight their innovations and software for this area of health science at IFEMA MADRID from 12 to 14 April. Audiology experts will meet at the EXPOAUDIO forum, and the Spanish Association of Audioprotesists (Asociación Nacional de Audioprotesistas - ANA) will hold its Congress there on 13 April.
ExpoÓptica, the Iberian Peninsula's benchmark exhibition of optics, optometry, and audiology, organised by IFEMA MADRID, will be held from 12 to 14 April. For the second consecutive time, the Audiology sector will have a dedicated space at the trade show with more than 20 participating companies.
ExpoAudio will be a key meeting point for professionals in the diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention of hearing disorders. Visitors will find the latest innovations, services, and equipment for improving customers’ hearing and building their businesses. Given that 30% of hearing aids are purchased at opticians, the combination of ExpoÓptica and ExpoAudio is essential to create a climate for business and strategic agreements.
Hearing aid companies such as Grupo GN Hearing, Grupo Oticon, Phonak-Hansaton-Unitron, Natus, Widex, Sonisord, Rayovac, Beltone, Diatec, Interton and Medat, as well as specialists in audiology software like Audyum, Aural Centros Auditivos, Garante, Klinnic and Deipe will be at ExpoÓptica to present their most innovative solutions for this health science. Leading companies in the sector will provide exhibitors and trade visitors with first-hand information about advances such as tele-audiology, the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence in this field and technological advances that have revolutionised hearing aids such as wireless connectivity, noise cancellation, mobile applications, wireless charging, and sensors for increasingly small devices, among others.
Forum EXPOAUDIO and the ANA Congress, key events for knowledge and training in Audiology
In a situation where, according to the EuroTrack 2023 study on hearing loss and use of hearing aids, ten per cent of the Spanish population has hearing loss and only four in ten of these use hearing aids, and where the World Health Organization has forecast that by 2050 some 2.5 billion people (one in four) will have some degree of hearing loss, this dedicated area is crucial for knowledge exchange and good practices among professionals, that will be discussed at the round tables and presentations held during the three-day fair.
That’s why the Audiology section of the exhibition is complemented by the Annual Congress of the National Association of Audioprotesists (A.N.A) on 13 April, which will be held under the slogan “Let’s talk about Prosthetic Audiology”. The congress will discuss professionalism and the quality of audiovisual products, innovation in technology, and the future of retail in Spain.
It is also complemented by the EXPOAUDIO Forum, where leading experts address interesting topics such as paediatric hearing tests, and tools to enhance audiology services will be launched.
What's more, this edition of the show will provide initiatives and spaces offering professional help, advice and information to entrepreneurs interested in opening an audiological office, particularly the activity organised by Grupo GN Hearing in EXPOAUDIO Forum ‘Set up your office’. On Friday, during the afternoon of 12 April, a selection of experts will support and advise hearing aid professionals on setting up a new practice from different points of view thanks to the participation in this meeting of Beltone offering products, brands, and services specialised in optics, ReSound with products focused on audiology practices, Organizita with its telephone service and diary management solution, Delyser focused on data protection, Exedra, stand creation, Gráficas Aries, a printing press focused on providing material solutions for points of sale, Grupo Concentra, insurance company; Audifono.es, specialists in customer acquisition; and the GN marketing team, which will offer marketing services with a wide range of solutions.
The Audiology sector, through innovations from its leading companies
In the dedicated Audiology section of ExpoÓptica, more than 20 companies will present and demonstrate their advances in both devices and services to audiology. One of these is Audyum, which will demonstrate its appointment scheduling tool at the trade fair. The programme features detailed patient tracking, inventory management and integration with advanced diagnostic equipment, simplifying the comprehensive management of hearing centres. CosiumOptic will also be there showing how to optimise professional activity with multi-store management, integrated solutions, and business intelligence with advanced data export options.
ExpoÓptica 2024 will be held in Hall 10 of the Recinto Ferial, uninterruptedly from 10.00 to 20.00 on 12 and 13 April and from 10,00 to 18,00 on 14 April.