Food is one of the sectors of the Spanish economy with the greatest contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Food is a basic need to which a large part of the family budget is allocated, so its distribution is more resistant to periods of economic crisis. In addition, spending is practically constant, which is a guarantee of business. If we talk about Franchising, this sector is the one that obtained in 2022 the highest turnover, confirming the same trend of recent years . It is also the one with the largest number of open establishments and the one that generates the largest number of jobs.

Catering and hotel business
The restaurant sector is one of the great economic engines of our country, closely linked to tourism, a determining factor in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Among the most relevant features of this sector are the constant emergence of new formats and new operators; an evolution in the consumer profile with a healthier and more sustainable awareness, and its permeability to digital transformation.
Franchises in this sector are the ones that in 2022 concentrated the largest number of brands, occupying, in addition, the second place in terms of level of turnover, level of employment generated and number of open establishments.

Catering / Restaurants / Hotels
It is a very resilient sector, capable of adapting to all kinds of transitions and changes. One of its current challenges is to respond to the relevance of Health and Sustainability in today's society.
A very characteristic aspect of this sector is the search for efficiency, which it achieves by investing, above all, in Technology.
After a year that has seen a definitive return to pre-pandemic normality, the year 2023 presents a period of stabilization in the growth of the sector.
Franchises in this sector ranked third in 2022 in terms of turnover and employment generated.

Beauty, health and fitness
Health and Beauty are two of the main concerns of the consumer in the search for the desired wellbeing, which has led to an increase in spending in these sectors in Spanish households, while at the same time orienting society towards an increasingly healthy lifestyle. This is an emerging sector in which technology is set to play a decisive role in the coming years.
Within franchising, this sector ranks third in 2022 in terms of the number of establishments opened and the number of active networks in the market. It also ranks fourth in terms of the level of employment generated.

Fashion, footwear and accessories
The Fashion, Footwear and Accessories sector is a dynamic and growing sector that is in full transformation. It includes clothing, accessories, footwear, jewellery and watches. And its structure covers from big brands to small freelancers.
It is one of the most globalised segments that is evolving the most in terms of operations. It is a very demanding sector that demands more sophistication and more management. This sector has improved enormously in terms of design and technology. This technology will respond to the needs of the market by allowing the relationship between consumer and company to be much closer and more individualised.
Finally, it is a great working engine that has 242 franchise networks integrated in 8 sub-sectors of activity.

Services and transport
The service sector has experienced significant growth in recent years and is one of the sectors with the greatest weight in the composition of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
It concentrates a large volume of labor, as well as large sums of capital to be able to operate. With regard to Franchises in this sector, "Travel Agencies" occupy the fourth place in number of operating establishments, and the "Services and Transport" brands are in fourth place in terms of turnover, and in fifth place in terms of employment generated.

Home & Decoration
The home and decoration sector offers a great dynamism, concentrating an important volume of business.
Its constant evolution can be seen not only in the improvement of quality, but also in the search for innovation, design and practicality. It is no longer decorated just for the sake of decorating, but now there is a demand for practical items that provide innovation and above all utility, without forgetting the exclusivity and design within a more personalized and professional environment.