Education Week illustration
Education Week illustration


Find out first-hand how the educational environment is evolving.

Outside the pavilion

Semana de la Educación

SEMANA DE LA EDUCACIÓN​ is the meeting point that brings together more than 146,000 students, families, teachers, guidance counsellors, heads of educational centres and education professionals in 5 days.

It is the largest event for the educational world in Spain, offering a broad overview of this sector through its six halls and unique events: AULA,  CONGRESO RED-INTERDIDAC, POSTGRADO Y FORMACIÓN CONTINUA y SCHOOLS DAY. In addition, coinciding with the Madrid is Science Fair, organised by the Madri+d Foundation for Knowledge.

Educational GUIDANCE for students, families and education professionals is one of the main values provided by the fair. In its previous edition, the Educational Guidance area attended to more than 4,000 individual and centre consultations, free of charge and personalised.

Madrid es ciencia poster

In conjunction with

Madrid es Ciencia

Discover innovation at "Madrid es Ciencia"! This fair revolutionises the way science and technology are explored in the Community of Madrid. From classrooms to companies, we connect all the players in the innovation ecosystem. Science not only improves your daily life, but also boosts competitiveness. Join us in this interactive and participatory space to experience how science becomes exciting and essential for progress. "Madrid es Ciencia invites you to explore a future full of exciting discoveries - don't miss this unique opportunity to immerse yourself in innovation!

Discover Madrid es Ciencia

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