What is Expodental?

EN English
ES Español
Exhibitor showing a catalogue to two visitors.

What is Expodental?

After the success of 16 previous editions, with significant growth in both visitors and exhibition space, the show is presented as the key and unavoidable event for the dental industry to showcase innovations, technological developments and the digital world that is transforming the dental sector.
A meeting point for the industry with dentists, hygienists, dental technicians and assistants.
Expodental continues to be committed to training, with a specific sector where universities and training centres will present their academic programmes for undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education. 
During Expodental there will also be a full programme of conferences to bring the latest trends to the professional public attending the event.

Visitors around a demonstration


Obtain all the information of the specialised commercial offer existing in the market, at the same time and located in the same place.

  • Obtain an overview of all the specialised commercial offer existing in the market. National and international trends and novelties in 3 days and in the same place.
  • Initiate, continue or close purchasing processes and orders with or from the distribution channel present at the fair.
  • Build a working network.
  • Schedule meetings with current and potential suppliers.
  • Strengthen commercial relations with current suppliers.
  • Analyse and directly test the product/service characteristics of potential new suppliers.
  • Expand knowledge and application of technologies and services.
  • Directly compare the characteristics of the entire specialised offer.
  • EXPODENTAL is a key instrument for distribution when defining image and contents aimed at the end consumer.
  • Obtain product/service distribution agreements.
  • Obtain the necessary information to evaluate the possibilities of future participation as an exhibitor.