The installer becomes the main consultant in the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration sector (HVAC&R sector).

The installer’s experience and training has turned this professional into the HVAC&R sector’s main consultant, both in interconnected home installations and in the marketing of next-gen equipment, according to Agremia. AEDICI experts advise that it is fundamental to properly define a project’s requirements from the beginning.
Inmaculada Peiró, Director General Agremia (Association of Companies in the Installations and Energy Sectors), acknowledges that the installer’s experience and training is making it possible for them to become the sector’s main consultant. They can collaborate on global solutions in terms of interconnected installations in the home and in the marketing of next-gen equipment, such as evaporator coils or aerothermal energy, and hybrid equipment with photovoltaic panels.
As Peiró states, “there is no-one better than the installer who knows about the advantages offered by the technology, and fundamentally its usage, so that the client or the final user can get the most energy-efficient use of the unit”. It should not be forgotten that "it is of equal importance the features offered by the product and the technology’s correct usage, guided by a manual, by the individual or company during the apparatus's lifetime".
Consultation from the Beginning
María del Mar Serna Martínez, a partner of AEDICI (Spanish Association of Engineering and Installation Consultation Engineers) and Acix Consultoría, advises that it is fundamental to properly define a project’s requirements from the beginning: “From Acix, this is something we take great care over and maintain throughout the length of the construction process. We generate reports in which the installer’s consultation and proposal is verified. These reports, one for each team and for each installation process, must be a priority for construction work monitoring and the putting together of the final building book".
Miguel Ángel Vaquero Moreno, sole administrator of Diseño y Tecnología Ingenieros Consultores, SLU (DiTec Ingenieros) and partner of AEDICI, reaffirms that consultation is of vital importance: "Our company recognises the importance of a good project and consultation to defend the property’s interests and needs. A good project warrants this quality and the fulfilment of the established needs.”