New thermal installations require more training

Manuel J. Ruiz Gil, member of the technical committee of FEGECA (Heat Generator and Emitter Manufacturers Association), states that the entry into force of several installation regulations, the European commitments to reduce emissions, the increase in renewable energies and efficiency, and the introduction of new technologies make it essential to entrust the design and implementation of thermal installations to well-trained professionals.
Manuel J. Ruiz Gil explains that "with the entry into force of various installation regulations such as the RITE included in the CTE and European commitments in terms of the reduction of emissions such as the latest Climate Law or fit for 55, as well as the increase in the use of renewable energy sources and equipment efficiency provided for in our PENIEC, together with the introduction of new technologies in the generation and emission of heat and cold in thermal installations, it is more essential than ever to entrust the design and implementation of our installations to well-trained professionals, both in the regulatory field and in new technologies".
He points out that we need professionals specialised in high-efficiency technologies, such as condensing boilers, aerothermal or geothermal heat pumps, solar thermal equipment, etc. - "good professionals who combine knowledge of hydraulics and electronics and who are familiar with communication protocols to take advantage of the connectivity of the equipment installed and controlled on-site or remotely. In addition, we need professionals who are aware of the latest regulatory developments for system design, not just generator changes; systems that lead to improvements in emission levels and greater use of renewable sources by combining various energy sources, hybridising systems”.
Efficiency and emissions
The member of FEGECA's technical committee warns that without the proper training of these professionals, we will be unable to meet Europe's strategic commitments in terms of energy efficiency and emissions. "There is nothing more recommendable than to rely on the training of manufacturers to update new technologies and equipment in order to have a team of professionals who can recommend and advise the owner or end user of each installation about the benefits they are about to enjoy as soon as they are put into operation".
Thus, in Ruiz's opinion, "the best way to reduce sizing, installation and commissioning times is to have well-trained professionals; and we all agree that continuous technical training is essential to ensure the future of our professionals and companies working in thermal installations; but day-to-day business pushes training into the background because of the need to attend to a service or an incident in the short term. To avoid unforeseen events in our day-to-day work, manufacturers of equipment and components for thermal installations have extensive personalised training and study plans, in both classroom and online formats, with different levels of training".