The C&R sector is set to achieve 100% renewable energy in heating by 2030

The Association of Air Conditioning Equipment Manufacturers (AFEC) is one of the driving forces behind the new "Roadmap for Renewable Heating". According to the calculations in this document, in order to achieve the Paris Agreement's goal of limiting the global temperature increase to 1.5°C, the sector must achieve 100% renewable energy in heating equipment by 2030.
The Renewable Heating Roadmap is a joint effort undertaken by business associations, research centres and professional and environmental organisations gathered under the Platform for the Decarbonisation of Heating and Hot Water, coordinated by ECODES, with the aim of transforming the residential heating and hot water sector in Spain for 2050. This document was presented in an event led by Marta San Román, director of AFEC, analysing four possible trajectories for decarbonising the residential heating and hot water sector in Spain, proposing an ambitious scenario of "Zero Net Emissions".
This scenario is aligned with the International Energy Agency's "Net Zero Emissions by 2050" scenario, which aims to limit global temperature increase to 1.5°C. According to the Roadmap calculations, in order to reach the Paris Agreement target of 1.5°C, the sector must achieve 100% renewable energy in heating equipment by 2030. Currently, almost 70% of primary residences in Spain are heated with fossil fuel-based systems.
The main challenges
The implementation of this Roadmap is crucial. Improving household energy efficiency would not only significantly reduce household energy bills, but also improve both health and quality of life. Heating and domestic hot water are the biggest challenges faced by decarbonisation due to their current dependence on fossil fuels.
The Platform for the Decarbonisation of Heating and Hot Water, founded in 2022, seeks to promote a rapid and orderly transition to efficient and renewable heat production systems and AFEC is one of its driving members along with ASIT, CNI, Ecologistas en Acción, Ecoserveis, Fundación Renovables, GBCE and Greenpeace.
More information on the Roadmap: www.descarbonizacalefaccion.es