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15 March 2022

The Air-Conditioning Market Grew by 12% in 2021

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Spain’s air conditioning (HVAC) market grew by 12% in 2021, according to a report by AFEC, the Association of Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturers. During the past year, the sector recovered to 2019 levels, when turnover topped €1.2 billion.

This growth offset the decline in 2020, a year in which, despite difficulties and uncertainty, the sector performed better than initial forecasts predicted. AFEC’s market report covers aggregate data on heating, cooling and domestic hot water production equipment, air distribution and diffusion equipment, ventilation equipment, residential ventilation equipment, and air handling units.

Among the future challenges for the sector, the report notes that “all actors in the air conditioning market need to maintain readiness for the continuing technological changes to enable the sector to meet the challenges ahead, not only because of new user behaviours and habits but also caused by regulatory and legislative requirements at national and European level.”

Concerning the challenge of further improving equipment energy efficiency, it points out that “manufacturers are continually investing in innovation and development, focusing, among other things, on complying with the different eco-design regulations.” Also, “certification of new developments by authorised laboratories and organisations will be increasingly important for ensuring quality and compliance with the specifications that manufacturers claim for their products. And market surveillance will become more important.”