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17 December 2021

Susana Rodríguez (AEFYT): “Companies at the Fair have shown that our sector is essential for economic recovery.”

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Susana Rodríguez is chair of the Association of Refrigeration Companies & Technologies (AEFYT). She highlights that around 25 AEFYT member companies decided to take part in C&R 2021, and “in this forum, they have all shown that this sector is essential for economic recovery after the pandemic.”

Susana Rodríguez, chair of AEFYT, expresses her satisfaction with her association’s participation at the Fair.  “We’re very proud to have been the showcase in this special edition of the Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Fair, as it’s the first face-to-face meeting with all the actors in the cold chain (manufacturers, distributors, installers...) taking part after such a prolonged period with no in-person attendance due to the health crisis. And it’s coinciding with the enormous digital transformation that the refrigeration sector and all the sectors in which it provides value are experiencing.”

So, she explains that “at our stand, we’ve been showing visitors a unit with artificial intelligence, so that they can see first hand the enormous possibilities of this technology for training in refrigeration and for designing and maintaining installations. It’s an enhancement, a way to leverage technology to minimise design risks and increase productivity and efficiency for users.”

In relation to this, “we’ve also been demonstrating our commitment to training with the Refrigeration Workshop with students from the Moratalaz NRC, in Madrid. We aim to continue attracting people to work in this sector that offers full employment and great possibilities for a varied and interesting career.” For this reason, “the leading sector associations also wanted to show our commitment to Dual Vocational Training by signing a joint manifesto.”

On the other hand, she highlights the panel discussions as part of the C&R Forum, “which have become a real platform for sharing information and ideas current technological developments in the sector.” She points out that “it’s been crucial to resume this event face-to-face because it’s shown how dynamic this sector is, so forward-looking, and essential for the welfare of society.”

Recovery in the Sector

Regarding her outlook for recovery in the air conditioning and refrigeration sector through her experience at the Fair, Susana Rodriguez points to the 25 AEFYT member companies keen to be present at the Fair. “By their presence at the Fair, they’ve all demonstrated that this sector is essential for economic recovery after the pandemic. They’re proof of the enormous effort in R&D&I to support the digital and economic transition, and also of the need for them to participate in the country’s industrial transformation thanks to their capacity to drive economic growth, job creation and competitiveness in sectors that represent 40% of Spain’s GDP.”

So, she concludes that “at this Fair, we’ve seen the sector’s enormous capacity and its desire to contribute to growth through innovation. They’ve shown that the sector’s businesses are on the right track and focused on all the challenges that we are going to face.”