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16 July 2024

The Building the Future Congress confirms new speakers on its panel of experts.

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The congress will be organised across three main themes: Innovation, Sustainability and Industrialisation, and is focused on developers, builders and distributors to address the challenges of the future.

This congress, which is part of CONSTRUTEC and International Construction Week, brings together VETECO, SMART DOORS AND PISCIMAD, from 5 to 8 November at IFEMA MADRID, and continues to confirm new industry leaders who will participate in the forum.

The I Building the Future Congress, which is organised together with Alimarket, will be the stage for tackling the challenges facing developers, construction companies and distribution companies and will provide a space for debate to transform the construction sector.

This congress is organised in three different blocks. Each of the blocks will cover one day of the congress. The the 5th of November will be dedicated to Innovation; the 6th to Sustainability; and the 7th to Industrialisation. These three basic themes bring together major companies and leading figures from the sector.

The line-up of speakers confirmed so far, which can be found on this website, includes the likes of Federico Ávila, CEO of Grupo Lantania; Julio Touza, Managing Partner of Touza Arquitectos; Pablo Sainz de Baranda, CEO and co-founder of the construction company Grupo Construcía; and Luis Rodulfo, Chairman of the Spanish Confederation of Construction Material Manufacturer Associations (CEPCO). They’ll all be participating on the second day as part of the Sustainability block. Meanwhile, Carlos Lamela, Chairman and co-founder of the Estudio Lamela architecture studio, has been confirmed as the opening speaker for the Industrialisation block on the 7th.

You can see the programme for the Building the Future Congress here.

This 1st International Construction Week Congress by Alimarket, sponsored by Danosa, Deloitte, Grupo Puma, Kömmerling, Soudal and Química, with the support of Cepco and Asefave, will offer a unique platform for professionals in the sector to share knowledge, generate new strategic synergies and lead the way towards a more innovative, sustainable and efficient future.

Visit the International Construction Week website.

About International Construction Week

The event, organised by IFEMA MADRID, brings together the CONSTRUTEC, VETECO, SMART DOORS and PISCIMAD trade fairs from 5 to 8 November in a multi-sectoral event that responds to a strategic approach aimed at joining forces and promoting synergies between the four leading trade fairs in their respective sectors, boosting the strength of the construction industry.