
- Mr José Vicente de los Mozos Obispo
Ex officio Chairman of the Foundation
President of the Executive Committee of IFEMA MADRID - Ms Isabel Díaz Ayuso
Ex officio Trustee of the Foundation
Chair of the Governing Board of IFEMA MADRID (Autonomous Community of Madrid) - Mr José Luis Martínez-Almeida
Ex officio Trustee of the Foundation
Vice-Chair of the Governing Board of IFEMA MADRID (Madrid City Council) - Mr Angel Asensio Laguna
President of the Governing Board of IFEMA MADRID (Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Madrid) - Mr Jesús Núñez Velázquez
Ex officio trustee of the Foundation
Vice-Chairman of the Governing Board of IFEMA MADRID (Fundación Montemadrid) - Ms Maribel López Zambrana
Ex officio Trustee of the Foundation
Director of the Contemporary Art Fair (ARCO)
- Mr Francisco Cantos Baquedano
Secretary (non-Trustee) - Estrella de Diego Otero
Elective Patron of the Foundation
Professor of History of Art at the Ucm and Professor of Acadamics at the Royal Academy of San Fernando - María Dolores Jiménez-Blanco
Elective Patron of the Foundation
Professor of History of Art. Complutense University of Madrid - Carlos Urroz Arancibia
Elected Trustee of the Foundation
Cultural Manager
The Advisory Council is the advisory body of the Board of Trustees and consists of thirty-five members, appointed from among the candidates, by the Board of Trustees.
It shall be the responsibility of the Advisory Council to advise the board of trustees, with no binding effect, on whatever matters it deems of special importance for the administration and governance of the Foundation.
- Chairman
Mr José Vicente de los Mozos Obispo, Chairman of Executive Committee of IFEM - Board Members
Mr Diego Alcázar, Instituto de Empresa.
Ms Candela Álvarez, Coleccionista.
Mr Borja Baselga, Fundación Banco Santander.
Mr Pablo Berástegui, La Casa Encendida.
Ms Jimena Blázquez, Fundación NMAC.
Mr Francisco Cantos, Fundación ARCO.
Ms Pilar Citoler, Colección Circa XX.
Mr Jose Mª Civit, Colección Josep Mª Civit.
Mr Juan Manuel Elizalde y Ms Choli Fuentes, Colección Kells.
Ms María Entrecanales, Fundación Balía.
Mr Miguel García Lamigueiro, Colección DKV.
Ms Ainhoa Grandes, Fundación MACBA.
Ms Pilar Lladó, Presidenta de la Fundación Amigos Museo Reina Sofía.
Mr Alejandro Lázaro and Ms Alejandra González, Colección Lázaro.
Ms Maribel López, Directora de ARCO.
Ms Irene Rodríguez, Coleccionista, Madrid.
Ms Susana Lloret, Fundació per Amor a l’Art.
Mr Fernando Masaveu y Ms Carolina Compostizo, Fundación Masaveu.
Ms Tania Pardo, Museo CA2M.
Mr Guillermo Penso y Sofía Mariscal, Fundación Otazu.
Mr Javier Quilis, Colección Inelcom.
Mr Carlos Rosón, Fundación RAC.
Mr Manuel Segade, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía.
Ms Ana Vallés, Fundación Sorigué.
Mr Juan Várez, Coleccionista.
Ms Mercedes Vilardell, Coleccionista. Presidenta del Comité de adquisiciones de África. Tate Museum.
Ms Natalia Yera, Colección Mariano Yera.
The International Council of the Foundation is devoted to highlighting the work done by private patronage in the field of the creation, dissemination and conservation of contemporary art.
- Chairwoman
Ms Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin - Board Members
Don Pedro Barbosa, Collector, Sao Paulo
Don Luis Benshimol, Fundación Privada Alegro, Venezuela
Doña Alexandra Bryce, Director of MAAC, Mali, Lima
Don Eduardo Costantini, Collector, Buenos Aires
Doña Isabel y Don Agustín Coppel, Colección Coppel, México
Don Mario Cader Frech, Y.ES Contemporary, Miami
Don Miguel Coutinho, Fundaçao EDP, Lisboa
Doña Valeria Curina y don Marco Curina. Marval Collection, Milán
Doña Sevda y Don Can Elgiz, Elgiz Museum, Istambul
Doña Ella Fontanals Cisneros, Colección Ella Fontanals Cisneros, Miami
Don Jaime Gorozpe, Collector, Mexico City
Doña Mariana Hochschild y Don Eduardo Hochschild, Hochschild Collection, Lima
Don Giuseppe Iannaccone, Collezione Giuseppe Iannacone, Milán
Don Luis Paulo Montenegro, Collector, Brazil
Doña Deborah Najar, Jean-Paul Najar Foundation, Dubai
Don Han Nefkens, HF Colecction, Barcelona / Amsterdam
Don Jorge M. y Doña Darlene Pérez, Pamm Museum, Miami
Doña Frances Reynolds, Instituto Inclusartiz, Rio de Janeiro
Doña Ekaterina y Don Vladimir Semenikhin, Ekaterina Cultural Foundation, Moscú
Don Juan Vergez y Doña Patricia Pearson-Vergez, Colección Juan y Patricia Vergez, Buenos Aires.
Don Giuseppe Iannaccone, Collezione Giuseppe Iannaccone, Milán
Don Roberto Spada, Collezione Roberto Spada, Milán