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Information average payment periods to suppliers

Within the framework of the fight against late payment, and in accordance with the principle of transparency, Organic Law 2/2012, of April 27, on budgetary stability and financial sustainability, has established the obligation to publish the average payment periods of each of the entities that make up the public sector and has implemented a set of automatic and progressive measures aimed at guaranteeing compliance with late payment regulations. The Average Payment Periods (PMP), thus constitute an expression of the delay in payment of commercial debt and must be calculated according to a common methodology that guarantees the homogeneity of this economic data in the public sector as a whole.

On July 30, 2014, Royal Decree 635/2014 was published in the BOE, which develops the methodology for calculating the average period of payment to suppliers of the AAPP and the conditions and procedure for withholding resources from the financing, budgetary stability and financial sustainability regimes.

This regulation requires the monthly calculation and publication on the web portal of the average payment periods to suppliers in accordance with the approved methodology and the type of publication models defined by MINHAP. In compliance with said obligation, IFEMA MADRID makes available the corresponding average payment periods.